Storage Auctions

Auction Scene #1....January, 2014

Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2014, 08:14:32 AM »
This month has been slow.. Either people pay up or there's simply no auctions to go to. It seems like all the auctions are crammed in the end of the month! Starting Wednesday we have a full day of auctioning nearly the rest of the month! We'll see what those auctions bring!

Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2014, 10:18:22 PM »
I know when that tax man comes and gives my money to those who don't work it seems the prices go up..

Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2014, 10:08:03 AM »
I bought a locker yesterday. Paid $350. Not overly excited about it.. I may make a little off of it, nothing spectacular. I paid that much because I was able to see a matching dresser and 2 night stands. Real wood. Vintage look. Pre 70s.  Unable to see all the drawers, going on faith that it's all there. Also has at least 2 couches which look to be in decent shape. 2 bins, one of which is filled with purses, one is filled with shoes. Purse bin has nothing but fakes in it, or low to middle grade purses.. Some from WalMart, some from St. John's Bay, Nine West, Gap. 1 Coach fake, 1 Louis Vuitton fake, one Dolce & Gabbana.

Yesterday I went to 5 facilities, nothing to get excited about all day.. I finally bought at the last facility, which was close to my house and shop. I bought the unit with only 4 more units to be auctioned, so I figured this one was as good as it was going to get. Wrong... Unit after mine was a closed hair salon, pass. After that was an empty... The 3rd was the one I had been looking for all day! It had kids stuff, furniture, TONS of boxes. It was a 10x10 packed to the front. That one went for $275!! I was tempted to buy both, but now storage space was becoming an issue.. so I reluctantly passed.

Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2014, 12:22:37 PM »
Storage stories from Dallas area.
Went out yesterday for the first time in awhile.  Avoided the caravan public storage auction and hit up a small auction near my house.  Four units up for auction.  Only 5 bidders and the units were just ok.  I bought one for $25 that had a new Brute trash can on wheels filled with newer janitorial supplies. I also saw a bunch of men's XXL clothing on hangers.  It was a good buy.  The janitorial stuff stuff I sold that day for $60 for the whole bunch. 
I found three sets of XXL Chef's whites from a local culinary school and the clothes were all in good shape.  All and all not to bad but no mystery.

I bought an online unit for $100 that was full of legos still with books and boxes.  A wedding dressed preserved in the dry cleaning box.  Some roller blades.  Not really a great buy but I knew the Legos would get me my money back and it all depends on the dress on margin of profit.  Also found a nice ice chest with a couple of air mattresses in them.

I am really concentrating on selling my left of over stock from last couple of months.  Weather has actually been decent and had a couple of good flea market days.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Auction Scene #1....January, 2014
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2014, 02:52:25 PM »
Went to a piece by piece auction the other day....listing showed 40 lockers...boiled down to 20 by auction time.

I got some good stuff (I hope) and a friend did really well.  Will post some pics later.

Here's a link to the details on this auction and some pics of the activity and goods at one locker.

Auction Scene #2....February, 2014

Started by MovieMan

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Auction Scene #3....March, 2014

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Auction Scene #4....April, 2014

Started by MovieMan

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Rocky Mountain High, Colorado...January 1, 2014

Started by MovieMan

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