Storage Auctions

Auction Scene #10...October, 2013

Re: Auction Scene #10...October, 2013
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2013, 06:33:33 PM »
Just turned cold for the past 2 days but that didn't stop the newbies.  In fact we had more of what I call "blue hat ladies" at the auction today than old timers.  Lockers must be getting pretty sparse.  One guy came 2 hours to get to this auction.  15 units at 3 locations total today, silent bid which sucks.  I finally scored one unit and it was a low ball bid on a trash unit.

I paid $26.50 for a 10x10 mostly full with busted furniture and stuff.  I saw one good wood chair that would go along with 2 others we had at the store why wrote a bid down.  As expected most of it is garbage.  Have some scrap metal, lots of cloths, more firewood, but a few good items.  Already sold one item that covered most of my expenses for the day.  Still have the chair, a number of xmas stuff (normally toss but since it's that time), and a decent particle board dresser w/ mirror ($35-40).  So not a total loss of a day, but nothing great either.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Auction Scene #10...October, 2013
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2013, 07:30:36 PM »
Last auction of the month and I got nada......

15 units but over 60 people.   Was a mostly indoor facility so all those people in small hallways....took FOREVER!!  Worse, we couldn't get a good look.  Just herded thru.

First ones were horrible.  Mostly empty.  Junk.  One went for a dollar, another not a single bid.  Then a few okay ones that went for $65-$225.  Profit margin was either slim or just to much junk stuff for me.

Then some good ones.   

Janitor business: floor buffers, industrial carpet cleaners.  I was interested but held back because it was full of broken stuff and junk.  Lots of chemicals to dispose of.  Opened at five hundred and shot o $1800.
Wasn't about to drop $1800 on items I have no fast outlet for and would have had to rent the 20x20 (no way I was getting it clean in 48hrs) and rent a bid a** truck....

Construction unit:  really wanted this one.  Had a set of 18" Mercedes rims.  New cabinets.  Only went for $225.  I stopped because.....I don't know why.  lol.    For some reason I just wasn't feeling it once the bidding got going.  Money maker but a lot of specific items.  Hard sells for me.  And everything was huge and I don't have space for things I'm not sure of outlet to sell.
Was thinking of Travis on this unit.  Had a double oven in it, used.   Overheard a guy telling wife "that alone is $2000".  Yeah, good luck with that.  :)

Last unit I was pissed.  Saw a file safe hidden.  Probably papers but...?   Saw a couple jewelry boxes.  Bunch of stuff that's my kind of thing to sell. 
Small hall, lots of people.  I got ushered down.   Told him I was interested i want to be up front but was told to go to end of hall.  I'm standing there and everyone is noisy and I'm trying to bid, can't hear bids, suddenly its sold.  I'm like WTF?!    Really pissed.

Oh well, my shoulder is killing me.  Probably shouldn't be cleaning out units anyway...... :'(

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