We bought our first unit in five years on Saturday. We went to two local private storage companys....the first was pretty crowded 35-40 people and all but the last two units were washateria units (looked like the owners just dumped their dirty clothes/shoes and bought new ones), they went for 3x's what they should have. The last two were very nice and we bid but they too sold for way, way too much. We dropped out at $400.
The next was a silent auction and the units were cleaner but a lot of furniture. Less crowded. about 15-20 people. We entered a bid on two and won one for $150. It was a 5x10 about half full, mostly totes, boxes and an entertainment center which we sold to another buyer for $50. The owner of the place did not charge a deposit and as it was a silent auction...no buyers fee! He also said just to take what we want and feel free to leave the rest.
I went through everything yesterday....clothes, 6 comforter sets, 2 totes of curtains, clothes, religious knick-knaks - Catholic and Buddha. Maybe they were covering all bases! Also 4 porcelain dolls, clothes, clothes......
I can make my money back but it will be slow. I generally will sell the clothes at the swap for $1 for all they can cram into a bag. The collectiables will bring another $40 to $50 and hopefully the bedding will sell for $10 a set.
Oh, we were actually recognized by another buyer....said he missed the doughnuts I usually bring along with me!