Went to an auction today with 5 lockers and 30 plus in the crowd. The usual 6 to 10 regular buyers were there which typically means there will be no bargains as several bid beyond the lkr's worth.
First 3 lkrs were pure trash. Remarkably they only sold for $5 each, not the usual $40 or so they have been going for.
Fourth locker any of us there (or here) would have been proud to own ! We entered a hallway and the line bent to the right in an "L" shape. While I was still at the short side of the "L" we heard the auctioneer saying "I've got 1,000. Anyone want to go $1,100."
This was while we hadn't even seen it yet, but he quickly came to where we were and said he wasn't going to sell it until we had seen it.
Finally got around to it and it was a 10 x10 showing a lot of good stuff. There was a 3 level Craftsman rollaway (brand new looking), half a dozen white styrofoam boxes (collectibles of some kind but with Made in China labels on the side), a white framed plastic set of drawers (the translucent kind) showing airplane model boxes inside....looked like they were genuine and never opened. Anyway you get the idea...it was a beauty, the kind many of us dream about.
I would have taken a chance on it at even $800, but as we finally filed past, the bidding resumed and it went to $1,400 and sold at that.
This went to a regular of about two years and one who has a rep for overpaying. The rest of the regulars and I chimed in with "You've got more guts than me!, "I hope you get your money back", etc. As we went on to the next lkr the consensus was he had overpaid by half. We'll see. This fellow has a store which he started in Nov, 2012 and we are all looking at the six-month and 1-year mark to see how it goes. He's only open 3 days a week.
This is also the fellow who on a pretty regular basis tells me he is breaking even or "I just broke even on that locker I bought 3 months ago." Not my idea of a good business model, but he seems happy.
Fourth locker started out slow; a 10 x 15 with not much showing at all. No body wanted it in the $25 range, but it finally got going with one of the regulars taking the newbie up to $200 and getting out while the getting was good. Welcome to the biz newbie !
Fifth locker was OK looking and the regulars always confer on what we think they will go for. Pretty much agreed on $400 and that's right at what it went for to a regular of about 5 years. Not for me. Another successful day of not overbidding, but boy I would have loved the $1400 lkr...for $600 to $800.