Wow~first time I've had some 'free' time since Don bought that huge locker. Update~run-down (I resemble that remark)~
We ended up renting a box truck as I didn't want to move two refrigerators in our small truck/trailer combo. Put the locker cost at just over $800.
Did about $300 at the flea (from just that unit with an additional $100 or so from other inventory) and sold the nicer fridge for $350 yesterday, so well on the way to being in the black with tons of inventory left.
We haven't even begun to work on the furniture yet as we've been sorting, cleaning and chuckin' other inventory. There is a hutch with matching dining set, but it's older and a bit rough. May sell it to one of our fellow auction buyers. A nice leather chair and some misc pieces.
We still have two fridges (one a dorm size) to 'prep'. Two gas dryers. The gas range which we will keep (and repay the auction $$). It's a very nice stainless steel & black one and mine is a piece o' pooh.
Lots of NFL (mostly Broncos) jerseys, hats and the like. Listed the jerseys on ebay and took advantage of their fixed price promo. I've got to bust my butt today listing numerous items on both ebay & craigslist.
There are oodles of cabling equipment. new in package universal remotes, wire connectors, cable ends (some good $$ there according to ebays completed listings). I've gone through two boxes and have another 4 to go through. We've got lots of scrap wire too. Oh~we've got a 500 ft roll of broadband cable. Can't find the exact match as far as figuring value~but know it's got to be worth a buck or two.
All in all a profitable unit (at least $600, but maybe double or more, depending on cabling items) but exhausting. I'm no spring chicken and Don's older than me! Our last two lockers were big, heavy guys lockers.
Goal for next unit~nice small ladies unit!

Don will be hitting PS today while I list and organize. I'll take day one of Cubesmart tomorrow with Don finishing them up on Wednesday. Busy, busy week ahead!
Oh cripes~forgot the pool table. 3 piece slate Olhausen Champion Pro Series. Not terribly fancy, but a nice table. Of course selling that in this economy is gonna be as a big a pain as moving it was~
Complete with two racks, balls, cues, chalk, brushes and the like.