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Low unit #'s and junk units.

Offline money4nothing

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Low unit #'s and junk units.
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:25:34 AM »
Ok have noticed here on the forum the chatter of low unit #'s and junk lockers.

Been wanting to share.

Husbands new job is an inspector for bank foreclosures. Not all inspections are in full foreclosure, (they have not made their payment on time). But a lot of them are. He has to do interior inspections.

He did 500 inspections last month, about 150 were full forecloses. He is one of 8 inspectors.

Most of these places look like a storage lockers. (Some good, some not). Some are full, looks like they moved out in a hurry.  ???  So low storage #'s.

The flip to my husband's job is what is called restoration. You go in and clean out home. (we are looking into this avenue). So a seller in the restoration side could make a killing. Get paid to clean out the home, take what is sell-able and sell. Total win. ( I had to stop looking at the pictures, drooling over sell-able stuff)

I did something similar years ago but for reality companies. Not such high volume.

What he has noticed is the locksmith, who goes and changes the lock on the home gets first dibs on visible goods.

Just our insight of trends.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Low unit #'s and junk units.
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 09:29:47 AM »
Several interesting sidelines mentioned in your post !

The only transition I have made is more picking and fewer auctions; that and buying only better quality lockers instead of the larger number of lockers I used to buy.

Re: Low unit #'s and junk units.
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 09:31:18 AM »
What he has noticed is the locksmith, who goes and changes the lock on the home gets first dibs on visible goods.

Dang it, I knew I should have gone to school to become a locksmith instead of a nuclear physicist...... :P :P

Also, good luck if you decide to go the restoration route - sound like a lot of opportunity....and a lot of work!! ;)

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Low unit #'s and junk units.
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 10:02:48 AM »
Dang it, I knew I should have gone to school to become a locksmith instead of a nuclear physicist...... :P :P

Also, good luck if you decide to go the restoration route - sound like a lot of opportunity....and a lot of work!! ;)

 ;D ;D

The hardest part of the restoration is cleaning with no water or power. Yes a lot of work but it would be like getting paid to attend auction and clean out a locker you don't have to pay for.  ;D

Yes Movieman a lot of different avenues. Why we have slowed way down. I do the paperwork end of this, keeping me quite busy.  Plus we seem to get really busy on the weekends cutting into sells or picking.

We have only been at it for 3 months so getting easier also picked up another similar job only for insurance, so learning that now. But hoping to be able to jump back in the storage market next month.

Just thought the trend of people just walking away from their personal items instead of storing them, was interesting.

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