Storage Auctions

Bought a real man unit!

Offline Travis

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Bought a real man unit!
« on: May 28, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
So, I went to this auction yesterday. 14 units, mostly low end furniture and household items. About 8 units into the auction, a total man unit came up. From the door you could see 10 rod & reels, brown leather chair & ottoman, a tree deer stand, military hard cases & gear, tons of boxes and a rifle bag standing vertically.

When I see a gun case, I always assume that it will be empty. However, this rifle bag was leaning against a box and was perfectly straight. This is the kind of rifle bag that is made of fabric and is floppy when empty. The fact that it was standing straight on it own made me think that the rifle could possibly be I decided to take a chance on it.

As to be expected, the rifle bag was empty. However, I did find some things that I'm not going to mention on the forum that could be worth a pretty penny.

The next unit we went to had a lot of interest. When I got a chance look, I could see why. You could see a brand new set of 20" rims with brand new tires, several military hard cases and several boxes of high end DJ equipment. The auctioneer was about to close and I put in 1 bid and ended up getting it. When I went inside the unit, every one of the boxes that I was hoping contained high end DJ equipment were empty. If the rims and tires weren't in the unit, I would swear that it was staged. Anyway, I went through the military hard cases and guess what I found? If you guessed more empty boxes which once contained high end sound would be correct. I did find some high end computer parts and I've got a few more boxes to check out but it's looking like I'll just break even on this unit.

Anyone bought a really bad unit lately?

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