Storage Auctions

caravan (kinda) today

caravan (kinda) today
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:38:59 PM »
hey everyone,

went to a five facility caravan today.... sorta. started as 5 facilities with 17 units, turned out to be 2 facilities with 2 units. got to the first facility 6 units for auction, ended up cancelled. next facility has 2, about 15 minutes before the start both people pay up over the phone.... cancelled. third facility 2 units, so i call the facility because its a far drive, and it has been cancelled. next facility scheduled to have one, and WOAHHHH they have it lol. its a 10x20 with one suitcase, 1 shoe, 3 patio chairs, and a particle wood shoe rack, sold for 50$!?!?! i was astounded. next place and the last one, scheduled to have 5, we get there and on the door has a sign that says down to one unit. so we walk to it, find out its a  double door unit and a 12x30. opened it and it was packed full with brand new vintage coke machines completely resotred and beautiful!! had to be 15-20 differnet kinds and on the other side was a defineite mechanics unit. tools galore, impact wrnech, a rear end from some kind of car, hoods, struts shocks, intakes, pistons rods, complete tranny, a 250 gallon commericla air compressor, 3 craftsman stand up tool boxes, a tire mounting machine, a snap on engine diagnostic machine. just looked like a maechanics shop packed into the unit. not to mention the cleanliness and tidyness this man had. one of the best ive seen in awhile. wish i wouldve had over 1500 on me today. oh well.

here in central florida crowds were down all day, except for the last facility about 50-60 attendees maybe half are serious bidders.

fun day, just never seen so many places get conmpletely cancelled and paid up at the last minute. on to the next one. :)

sorry for the long post, just giving a story.

Re: caravan (kinda) today
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 04:15:31 PM »
Nice unit - just sorry you didn't get it.  Mark that facility with a big red "X" - if that locker was that good, there's potential to be decent stuff in others.   Also, once the tax season is far behind us, you can bet some of those units that were canceled will come up again. 

Over the past months, I have seen two or three people's names listed every time facilities have auctions, and every time they have paid up, or delayed the inevitable.  (One person is listed again for April - for like a 4TH time!)  You know it won't be long until their stuff is up for auction - especially for anyone living on the ragged edge like that.   

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Re: caravan (kinda) today
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2012, 05:10:28 PM »
A lot of cancellations. Good grief.

Glad you had fun. sounds like a really nice unit. been a long time sense anyone has posted about a really good one like that.

what did it go for ?

Re: caravan (kinda) today
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2012, 07:47:29 PM »
Thanks for sharing.Sounds like a great unit.Good luck next time.

Re: caravan (kinda) today
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2012, 07:52:11 PM »
A lot of cancellations. Good grief.

Glad you had fun. sounds like a really nice unit. been a long time sense anyone has posted about a really good one like that.

what did it go for ?

i walked away at 2200 but i bet it went higher than that...

Re: caravan (kinda) today
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2012, 07:18:29 AM »
Sounds like a $3k or higher unit.  I wouldn't of gotten it either as I normally don't carry more then 2k with me.  Rare for a unit to get that high in my parts.  I suspect some people were going in together.  Least I know I'd of quickly hit up my 2 buddies to see if they wanted to do that.

As for the caravan - that is about normal right now.  Out of my 7 facility one last week we only hit 4 locations.  Most of those had 1 or 2 units.  Only one location had 3 units.  Long day for little reward.

Re: caravan (kinda) today
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2012, 08:06:09 AM »
Sounds like a $3k or higher unit.  I wouldn't of gotten it either as I normally don't carry more then 2k with me.  Rare for a unit to get that high in my parts.  I suspect some people were going in together.  Least I know I'd of quickly hit up my 2 buddies to see if they wanted to do that.

As for the caravan - that is about normal right now.  Out of my 7 facility one last week we only hit 4 locations.  Most of those had 1 or 2 units.  Only one location had 3 units.  Long day for little reward.

Yea can definently asure it was well worth 3k atleast. But as for the cancellations im going to go about 45 minutes north next week. People have been telling me its a lot better with places keeping units so hopefully next week is better

Well went on my first caravan run today

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