Went to my first auction today with my daughter and father. While I checked out the unit my daughter would take notes of the winning bids, etc. I figured with a saturday it would be packed and I was right. There were 100+ people there and over 60+ registred bidders. Only about a dozen people actually placed any bids. I would say there were 5-8 regulars. One guy bought 6 of the lockers. He also knew a few of the other guys that were there.
This was the first time this place has had an auction. It's also the first time the auctioneer had done a storage locker and it showed. First 4 auctions everyone crowded around the door insted of making a line. Finally the owner I guess he was told everyone if they don't form a line he wasn't going to open another door. Things got straightened out little more then.
Here is a picture of part of the crowd.

There were 18 lockers that went up for sale this morning. A few of the units that were in the paper were paid off and pulled. Including the one I was really interested in with outdoor equipment and tools. Here is a look at the first locker B046 a 10x20.

The units went for fair prices I think. The one pictured above went for $47.
This unit with the boots went for $80.
[img width= height= alt=Locker" width="500" height="375]http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6140/6039626770_081d0176f5.jpg[/img]
The highest priced unit was this packed one near the end of the day. This unit fetched $310.
[img width= height= alt=Locker" width="500" height="375]http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6203/6039629090_f237b12edc.jpg[/img]

Breakdown of all the lockers was like this:
B029 Teeter-W/D, Outdoor Equipment, Tools ---- paid up and pulled
B046 Morris-Furn., Boxes, Ice Chest, Stuff Animals --- $47
C073 Foster-Boxes, Furniture, Baby Supplies --- $275
C077 Horsby-Boxes, Furniture ---- paid up and pulled
E165 Carpenter-Boxes, Furniture, Jewelry ---- $115 (this one looked staged. table, few others items up front with a jewelry box and all the costume jewelry laying out. Empty boxes behind.
F195 Corley-Furniture, Crafts, Books -- $80
F196 Thomas-Mattresses -- $1 (was twin box spring / matress in bad shape)
F199 Callahan-Clothes, Boxes, Mis. Goods -- $100
F201 Stannford-Mattress, TV, Boxes, Storage Tub -- $210 - had a 40inch TV, 3 matresses, few totes, and a number of trash bags.
G300 Tony-Boxes, Carpet, Suitcase -- $90
G309 Jones-Clothes, Chairs, Books -- $35 - piled high w/ nothing but cloths that you could see. One fuse box like for a AC unit in corner. Think this one was a steal for the regular that got it.
G315 Jones-Clothes, Furniture, Mis. -- $310
H368 Blake-Furniture, Microwave -- $80
The additional units went for 60, 80, 65, 45, 65. Daughter may of missed one or two I'm not sure. One unit had a gun case in it but it was cracked open so could see nothing was in it. Another unit had a blue fire box which I bid up to $60 bucks on but went for like $80. Didn't really feel like gambling just for a empty fire box and was an hour away from the house. So would of had to make a return trip to yank all the crap particle board and matress that was also in there.
I know this was my first auction but I had a number of people asking me questions. It's like none of them did any homework. They wanted to know why I had a flashlight, how I got the listing of contents, etc. Was a little strange. Also, this place would let you leave and hit the ATM if you purchased a unit and was short which I thought was strange. You had till midnight to settle up your account.
For more pictures you can check out the ones I loaded up to flicr.