Storage Auctions

First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)

First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« on: August 13, 2011, 04:45:30 PM »
Went to my first auction today with my daughter and father.  While I checked out the unit my daughter would take notes of the winning bids, etc.  I figured with a saturday it would be packed and I was right.  There were 100+ people there and over 60+ registred bidders.  Only about a dozen people actually placed any bids.  I would say there were 5-8 regulars.  One guy bought 6 of the lockers.  He also knew a few of the other guys that were there.

This was the first time this place has had an auction.  It's also the first time the auctioneer had done a storage locker and it showed.  First 4 auctions everyone crowded around the door insted of making a line.  Finally the owner I guess he was told everyone if they don't form a line he wasn't going to open another door.  Things got straightened out little more then.

Here is a picture of part of the crowd.
Auction Crowd" width="500" height="375
There were 18 lockers that went up for sale this morning.  A few of the units that were in the paper were paid off and pulled.  Including the one I was really interested in with outdoor equipment and tools.  Here is a look at the first locker B046 a 10x20.
Locker" width="500" height="375
Locker" width="500" height="375

The units went for fair prices I think.  The one pictured above went for $47.

This unit with the boots went for $80.
[img width= height= alt=Locker" width="500" height="375][/img]

The highest priced unit was this packed one near the end of the day.  This unit fetched $310.

[img width= height= alt=Locker" width="500" height="375][/img]
Locker" width="500" height="375

Breakdown of all the lockers was like this:
B029 Teeter-W/D, Outdoor Equipment, Tools  ---- paid up and pulled
B046 Morris-Furn., Boxes, Ice Chest, Stuff Animals --- $47
C073 Foster-Boxes, Furniture, Baby Supplies  --- $275
C077 Horsby-Boxes, Furniture  ---- paid up and pulled
E165 Carpenter-Boxes, Furniture, Jewelry  ---- $115  (this one looked staged.  table, few others items up front with a jewelry box and all the costume jewelry laying out.  Empty boxes behind.
F195 Corley-Furniture, Crafts, Books  -- $80
F196 Thomas-Mattresses -- $1  (was twin box spring / matress in bad shape)
F199 Callahan-Clothes, Boxes, Mis. Goods  -- $100
F201 Stannford-Mattress, TV, Boxes, Storage Tub -- $210  - had a 40inch TV, 3 matresses, few totes, and a number of trash bags.
G300 Tony-Boxes, Carpet, Suitcase -- $90
G309 Jones-Clothes, Chairs, Books -- $35  - piled high w/ nothing but cloths that you could see.  One fuse box like for a AC unit in corner.  Think this one was a steal for the regular that got it.
G315 Jones-Clothes, Furniture, Mis. -- $310
H368 Blake-Furniture, Microwave -- $80

The additional units went for 60, 80, 65, 45, 65.  Daughter may of missed one or two I'm not sure.  One unit had a gun case in it but it was cracked open so could see nothing was in it.  Another unit had a blue fire box which I bid up to $60 bucks on but went for like $80.  Didn't really feel like gambling just for a empty fire box and was an hour away from the house.  So would of had to make a return trip to yank all the crap particle board and matress that was also in there.

I know this was my first auction but I had a number of people asking me questions.  It's like none of them did any homework.  They wanted to know why I had a flashlight, how I got the listing of contents, etc.  Was a little strange.  Also, this place would let you leave and hit the ATM if you purchased a unit and was short which I thought was strange.  You had till midnight to settle up your account.

For more pictures you can check out the ones I loaded up to flicr.

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Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2011, 10:09:20 PM »
what city?

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Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2011, 12:36:58 AM »
Something that may help you and others out as well. IS after you gathered the initial information from papers etc. The day before, like an hour or less before they close, call them and see how many lockers they have left, (even if it is listed with 15 lockers, still call, I didnt once and when I got there all of them but one was paid off, and there was a large crowd, 60+) If I would of known there was only one left I would not even have gone out there, and went to an alternative one taht was having at same time on the other side of town. So do call them either the day before, or if the auction is late enough, then on same day.

Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 06:27:06 AM »
Oh I do.  Is how I found out the night before they had more lockers then what was listed in the paper up for auction and which were already removed.

ChiefJ - this auction was in Aiken, SC.

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Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2011, 03:05:11 PM »
nice post nice pics looked like the crowds sucked. cool you got pics they are strict as hell by me about not allowing you to take pics.

Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 03:24:42 PM »
Thanks for the post.Looks insane!

Offline Bandit

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Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2011, 03:49:26 PM »
  Thanks for the great report , and as usual , lots of " Fall A Partical Board " Furniture in the pics.

Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2011, 07:21:05 PM »
Ya - people were making jokes about needing firewood and such.  The last unit had what looked like some nice furniture (no pics) but while I was doing my quick inspection I noticed it was caved in at the bottom and was the press board so I passed.  Had a nice mirror in it and a few other odds and ends.  Went for more then I would of wanted to pay.  Was a hispanic couple and one of the regulars I think bidding on it.  So think it got run up.

As for pics the rules I signed didn't say anything about pictures.  I try to use my little pos camera to help look over heaps and mounds into the back.  Plus - I can study the unit on the screen while everyone else is filling pass a unit on days like saturday with large crowds.  I had started to break out my dslr but figure that would of been overkill.

Another auction coming up thursday and three on Monday the 22nd.  Not sure if monday's is going to be a caravan or not.  I sort of hope it is since is all the same company.  That way I can hit all three and not have to pick n choose.

Offline ChefJ

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Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2011, 10:13:14 PM »
aiken isn't to far from Greenvile or spartanburg, so you should have a few aucitons every week to mess with.  If I see any in the ne ga area I will relay the info for ya.

Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2011, 01:30:46 PM »
Ya - I may hit Greenville up next month.  Depending if father wants to check out a travel trailer going up for auction up there next month.  Or if end up taking mother to Cherokee anytime soon.

Re: First Auction Perspective (pics and long winded)
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2011, 12:25:11 PM »
Thanks for sharing!      Those crowds are INSANE-- we're lucky in New Orleans not to be that bad, yet... 25-30 is the most people I've ever seen. 

But, despite all that, those units still went for exceptionally fair prices.  I'm super surprised.  Usually when there's a big crowd my partner and I do a lot of scare tactics (jumping the bid, etc) -- just to make a point and stop people from bidding against us.   It also helps if people are new and the units look trashy--  they sometimes don't want to put in the work dusting and hauling.

It's odd to see bids that are odd numbers (like I think you had one for $47)... usually the bid increments are 1, 5, 10,  and either 5's or 25's.

Let us know how the next one goes!

Pics of the new shop. How long we've come in just a week!

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