Storage Auctions

First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)

First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« on: September 12, 2011, 08:37:20 PM »
Thursday Sept 8th found my wife and I out and about at a 7 facility 30 listed unit auction.  The starting crowd was moderate with many of the regulars from both sides of the river.  Only had a few newbies at the first site.  As the day progressed we had more and more newbies and a few of the regulars dropped out.  One had a doctor appointment, another quit as it was time for lunch, etc.  Most of the regulars are retired and do this as a means to keep busy, etc.  Only one of the store owner regulars stayed with us.  Prices were moderate, with only one high price due to a 10 x 20 packed full to the rafters with stuff.  This was a whole family type unit and sold for $910.

Today was also the day I popped my cherry and won not one but two units.  I also learned a few things about my wife.  First she enjoyed herself dispite my fears.  The second is she is the reason I purchased the second unit and lost a third :).  We had bid on a unit that was full, had a dirt devil and bissel vac showing, lots of boxes, and a side by side fridge.  I had just been outbid at $250 when she nuddged me.  I thought that meant to stop...when in fact it was to keep going.  Go figure.  Later in the day I saw a unit I was interested in that she stopped me on at $160.  Didn't feel bad at getting outbid as the guy was pretty cool and we talked about the unit afterwards.  He is going to tell me how it goes later next week.

The first unit we won we wanted it due to the major item it had in it.  This is something that our daughter has been wanting and retails for $200-300.  I should of gotten the unit for $50 but got bid up by one of the newbies that I called Gypsy.  She even tried to claim at the end that she had the high bid since we were side by side in the hall in front of the unit.  The auctioneer knew better and so raised my bid by $10 more.  I was pissed at the lady and not the auctioneer since it was still below my max.  Later in the day she asked me "Where do you find all these auctions" and my answer was Google being a smart ass.  One of the regulars was even more general and just said the internet.


So this unit cost me $185.  The guitar in the picture retailed for $250-$275 new.  I only found one used on ebay for $150.  So I think it was a good buy.  My wife also kept a short-sword that sort of looks like a ninja sword.  My daughter pulled out a pair of mid-heel leater boots that she liked.  The owner was a pot head.  Other then the smell of some of the boxes I also found the arrest warrent, property evidence paper, etc. from the police.  So the unit contained a number of lighters and ashtrays.  Also found in the unit was a blue lightning sphere buddah, 2GB Ipod Nano, leather blackjack, brass knuckles, S&W .40 clip (father got), ton of burned music CDS, some legally purchased CDs, playstation games, etc.  So I have a number of $1 - $5 items for a yard sale or flea market.  If the items I put up on craigslist actually sale I'll break even just from that.  Time will tell.

The second unit we won was all furniture except for a few boxes in the inside corner with cloths and a lock box in the back corner.  In the pictures you see it on the china cabnit top but it was actually in the back left corner.  


I paid $170 for this unit.  My wife liked this unit for those chairs/table in the back.  I normally stay away from furniture units.  However, I saw the furniture was "Rockingham" stuff, and thus solid wood.  So I figured I could sale the table, two chairs, and china cabinet for $200 or more easy.  In fact one of the regulars that took off to another auction asked me how much I wanted for the furniture Friday when was telling him about it.  While I could of made some money I didn't.  My mother loved the china cabinet and my father liked the table.  He is going to sand and re-finish it.  The metal table and chairs went to my wife of course.  The rocking chair and particle board desk (very heavy) went to my kids for furniture in their play room.  The only thing I have to sale out of the unit are the cloths, pillows, and a few pairs of shoes.  So those are in my yard sale bin currently.

As for the lock box.  Like 80% of them it only had papers in it.  While they are important papers they do me no good and thus was returned to the facility.

Overall it was a long but fun day.  I hope for some better lockers in my price range next week when hit a three facility caravan on Monday 19th.

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2011, 09:34:25 PM »
Congrats on your first wins!!

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 06:49:41 AM »
  Congratulations on Your two lockers , sounds a lot like when We first started .                                   Something I saw   , a couple of things the Wife , and Daughter wanted , and the rest to the flea market.

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 08:46:52 AM »
Congratulations on your first buys !  Nice to get that under your belt and then keep moving on.

Also, it's always a bonus when you keep stuff for your own or family's use; don't forget to account for that on the
positive side when figuring out how much you made; if you didn't pay out "real" money for some item you kept, it's money in your pocket from that "found" item you got "free" in the locker.  ;D

Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 09:38:13 AM »
Thanks all.  Ya Movieman I consider almost everything from these lockers that I sale profit since we purchased them specificly to keep.  Mother has offered to pay for the furniture locker since she kept all the nice hardwood.  Told her if I buy anything else this week or next monday I may take her up on it but not to worry.  Still have $400 in play money with another $200 in general reserve.  The .40 S&W clip alone is good for $30 or so.  Father had gone to the last few gun shows in our area looking for one with no luck.  New they are $38-$40 plus shipping and such so he was really happy when I called him saying I found a clip for him.

My only real concern is my issue with timing.  With kids and such for the next 3 months every saturday is booked with soccer and such.  By time all of it ends it will be winter.  Yard sales don't really go on in the winter in my area.  So I may end up holding on to most of this stuff till next spring that I can't sell via craigslist or ebay.  Least I have plenty of room on my property and in the barn.

Found a stack of comic books, baseball, basketball, and football cards.  Didn't see anything that stands out.  A few of the comics are valued at $2.50 - $5 per Overstreet so may get a $1 or $2.


Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 09:46:43 PM »
Congrats Craig.

I'm hoping to get my feet wet before the month is over. I already bought one of those big flashlights and a dozen padlocks.

Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 04:09:43 PM »
A dozen must be optomistic or have some deep pockets......  I jest as I have 2 really good locks, 3 heavy duty locks, and 2 thin, skinny locks as backup and last resort.

Just a quick update:

Parents gave me $200 for the furniture and .40 S&W clip.  Didn't even ask for the money, my mother just offered it.  Think due to the upcoming auctions Monday.

Sold the 1st gen 2GB ipod and set of speakers.  So even with everything I've kept, etc. I'm only $115 in the red for real money.  Have a few other items up on craigs and a number of yard sale items, sports cards, etc.

There is a large yard sale / flea market event going on next month at the local army post.  If the price isn't too bad and I get some time may try and sale most of my stuff there.  We did that when I was a kid and made enough money for vacation the next year.


Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2011, 09:24:24 PM »
A dozen must be optomistic or have some deep pockets..

I just believe in being prepared.

Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2011, 01:30:57 PM »
$175 for that 2nd unit with that furniture?  Man, you got a deal on that one.  Did you find an arrest warrant?  Obviously, you stole that unit!  ;D

Thats a nice dresser.  What did you end up selling it for?

Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2011, 08:25:37 PM »
Well I did find some arrest papers / bail bonds stuff in the first unit  :)

As for the furniture, my mother claimed it all.  She liked it when I had father come help me clean out the locker.  The stuff was HEAVY.  So she ordered some glass for the china cabinet and dad plans to refinish the table.  They gave me $200 for the furniture and a S&W .40 clip I found that my father has been looking for.  Didn't make money but it made my parents happy which is even better.

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2011, 08:17:13 AM »
Hopefully you "earned" some good karma helping out your family. Making Mom happy is a nice reward. I have given mine some stuff she wanted and she worked my yardsale with me in return.

Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2011, 07:30:10 PM »
Ya - my mother already said she will help me with a yardsale.  Of course she keeps adding to my yardsale pile also.  Now I just need some time to conduct one, nice weather, and a good location.

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2011, 11:13:29 AM »
Ya - my mother already said she will help me with a yardsale.  Of course she keeps adding to my yardsale pile also.  Now I just need some time to conduct one, nice weather, and a good location.

Yard sales in general can be a pain, unless that is your location is a good location that can generate alot of traffic. Just like with anything, its all a numbers game. Generally every 5, sometimes 10 you will have one or two buyers. The more people that come to look, the more money you can make. Good Luck

Offline money4nothing

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2011, 06:35:18 PM »
Plan your yard sale around the first of the month or the middle after the 15th.. That is when people get their checks from the government.( My retired Aunt loves yard sales) I had a yard sale that just happened to be the first pretty day in two weeks. Sun was out and so were the people.. Made over $600 dollars and did not do it on Sun. A few boxes to the goodwill.

Offline bwd111

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Re: First Lockers Purchased (w/ pics)
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2011, 09:59:50 AM »
That max bid on that should have been 580.00 and no more. Didnt not see 1820.00 from the picks. And thats if you could get retail for everything. Good find thou. Not great but good

Storage Lockers Purchased

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