Storage Auctions

furniture/african culture unit =D

furniture/african culture unit =D
« on: July 23, 2012, 01:25:25 AM »
A few days ago i finally got back into buying up storage units, well one storage unit at least lol. Anyway it was at a local Muskegon, MI storage space. The auction had 3 units, 1 of which was a junk one that went for $40 or so. another with some nice stereo equipment for concerts and the like. (2 large speakers and and cd/recievers). this unit also had misc furniture and a couple boxes. it ended up going for $350. Next came the last unit which had, some furniture, old wooden style tv (wow thats old) and some 10 odd boxes. This was my unit and i ended up spending $160.

lots of crystal glass/lead crystal- not yet priced out
african unity carved 7 head piece- looks to be $138 brand new-definetly won't get more than $60
some other odds/ends of hand carved african oddities-not yet priced
skybar wine opener-$15-20-its in mint shape with everything
bunch of knick knacks (some rare some dollar store =D )-not yet priced
nice dining table with four chairs-maybe $75-100
nice metal with glass end table- $50
lots o' towels-will definetly be used to clean items and help clean my vehicles that i flip for profit =D
heavy ceramic and very nice elephant vase-don't know what to price it
hollywood bedframe w/headboard and mattress-$40
plastic shelving unit-can always use one of those
misc kitchen and bathroom items-yard sale/garbage lol

This was a nice storage rental building and very helpful in the cleaning process. It took me and my dad maybe 4-5hours and we could dump the garbage on site. they also had carts to lug furniture around on and they even sweeped up the unit for me (:, needless to say i will be bidding here again!

here is a picture of the 7 headed carving from africa

Re: furniture/african culture unit =D
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 06:12:07 AM »
Sounds like a winner man.  Your prices seem to be in line with my area.  Except for the table.  For some reason those things don't sell very well right now.  However, if those are all wood style chairs I can get $20-30 per chair.

Have fun selling.

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