Storage Auctions

Got a cheap locker today!

Got a cheap locker today!
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:34:30 AM »
This never happens!  After yesterdays fiasco where I couldn't even get a unit for $1600, it was nice to go to a facility that had fewer bidders and decent prices.  I got a unit on a silent bid at a smaller facility for $50.  It had a nice Sealy Posturepedic King Size Mattress in it (I know a lot of you guys don't like them, but it's money in the bank!), a small sofa, a very nice 12 drawer light oak dresser (not particle board), some pots and pans and small kitchen appliances, a leather chair, some jumper cables and a few tools (haven't looked in the boxes much yet, just saw those laying on top) and some other misc. stuff.  Not going to be a home run (unless I find some Rhino horn in one of the bags!) but I'll make an easy few hundred.  Took 10 minutes to load it up, everything small was in a box or a bag and easy to move. 

In other events, I picked up around 30 tables, split between round and square (used in a food court type setting), over 100 various chairs, six office desks, including a nice executive HON with a return, HON lateral filing cabinet, six steel cabinets, a really cool WA Husky/Miller Light beer sign (about 7' wide!), five wood and glass display cases with locking glass doors above and storage underneath (about 7' tall), a couple of other cases, two magazine racks with lights, and some other misc. cabinets and some small appliances and other stuff.  Got all this from a store that was closing down.  Picked EVERYTHING up for $300!  Who needs storage units?  LOL!

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Got a cheap locker today!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 08:34:27 AM »
Never say never !

Yep, after the big bid busts you came out gold on these two!  Nice to get those surprises now and again....keeps us going. As to mattresses, I think the ones we all hate are those that show definite wear, were cheap to begin with, stained etc. The good ones I will make an effort on, but when that door opens and I see 3 or 4 complete sets that are just aching to go to the dump that I shy away usually.

A biz going out of biz is sad for them but can be good for us. The used office furn biz is a real biz in many good sized commuities but there still seems to be a market for us in that area as most of us will move that stuff out cheap to get rid of the bulk. In your area you should move it fast.

Congrats on the good scores !

Re: Got a cheap locker today!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 10:11:07 PM »
Went to another auction today with three lockers being sold.  First two were small and owned by the same person.  Metal framing was in the first unit, and the shelf material was in the second unit, and they were bought by two different buyers.  That's planning ahead!  I hope they exchanged numbers at least or they both have something they won't be able to use!

Anyway, the last unit was calling my name, until they opened the door!  It was a 10x25, and it was STUFFED!  But, it was weird......I kept looking and looking and there was nothing of any real value that you could see.  It was just a bunch of junk stacked up.  Sure, there could have been something valuable hidden in the back somewhere, but I couldn't identify a single thing that I could make my money back on.  Also, I was next to one of the "old timer's" wife, and I pointed my flashlight into this basket about five feet in, and there was a pretty freshly dead looking rat flopped on it's back!  I told her she should buy it, her husband would be very proud of her!  She didn't buy it (the unit or my bull****!) and some lucky winner picked it up for a mere $575.00! 

And, following last nights post, after the auction I went and picked up the rest of the cabinets and stuff I bought yesterday, and the guy sold me 10 more display cabinets for another $200.  So now I have to go pick those up tomorrow.  I just got my warehouse cleaned out too!  Dang it!

Have you ever bought a locker and been surprised that it sold so cheap?

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