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Heres one for the books

Heres one for the books
« on: August 03, 2011, 09:47:10 PM »
I went to and auction on the second. had 5 lockers 3 had paid up so 2 went up for auction. first unit had some ford rims an angel statue car speakers and trashbags, box's. the auctioneer tried to start the unit at $50 no takers so she said ok someone start it so it started at $5 a lady that never looked at the locker bought it for $50 was easy to keep track with 6 of us there.
 We went to the next lkr a 10x30 well it was full of old well used beat up furnitur some had been band aided with duck tape. I mean it look like an epaleptic had a siezure with the blunt end of an axe on this stuff. one old lady there with her husband said OH look at the felt pads on the feet of that old tabel that was it HAHAHA. well the bidding started same thing $5 here $5 there I'm like WTH I jumped the bid from $25 to $100 the auctioneer seemed confused LMAO well it was just three of us left in so she started going down the line $5 a wack so when she got back to me I said $200 she was confused even more and ask you want it for $200 I said yep she started back in the line $5 again im like WTF so she came back to me I held up 3 fingers she was like ok buddy how much this time I said $300 read em and weap. she started back in at $5 incraments I just shook my head and turned around leaving the two bidders after about 5 min an $50 dollars later I turned around as she started speeding up. the guy just had his hand up not looking and she was taking bids off the wall against him the lady had quit bidding she ran him to $500 when he went to look who was bidding she jumped him to $535 and closed on him before he even looked back I was Laughing my Arse off.. there wasnt $200 worth of stuff in there.
 Him and his wife sell the stuff at yard sales. all I can say is if your going to bid pay attention..The lady that was the other bidder looked at me and asked was that what I thaught I saw I smiled and said yea it was what he asked for LMAO.
       The Auctioneer was talking the locker up as we walked off, makeing out like he stole it HAHAHAHAHA...

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Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 12:21:30 AM »
lol, run em up, run em out :)

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Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 10:15:19 AM »
noob auctioneer + noob auction buyers = ugly situation.

Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 08:35:59 PM »
Yep I thought it was funny though how that dumb auctioneer lady jumped him up $35 like a pro after taking $50 off the wall on him. to seal the deal at probably the amount owed. she was so fast about it that was the first clue when all of a sudden the bidding speed changed that caught my attention right away which is why I turned back around to see it unfold. both the guy and his wife asked everyone How Much it was they won it for they didnt even have a clue how much they were bidding LOL... I guess she was better than she was letting on, and took the noob or comfortable vet for a ride at his expense.
 I will say I have seen this couple at over 20 auctions in the past 2 years. I dont get it though with two of them there that it happened to them without one yelling B.S. but when you have no clue from the first day you start doing it and have been doing it long enough you feel comfortable you learn your never to good to get burned. However I doubt they even realize what happened to them.

This auctioneer lady has been doing this for over ten years my guess is she was just waiting to get her hooks in a noobie in the crowd and this guy was thrown to her LOL. Plus when I jumped the bid 3x  it helped to convince them the junk was as good as gold and that I was trying to push them out LOL I bet there not at this saturdays auction they were allready complaining about high prices and not knowing what was in the lockers HAHAHAHA I guess they found out, and the high price was a bit there own fault.

As my old dad would say "That feller has more dollars then cents, the fool and his money will soon part" I'd allways ask well if he's that dumb what makes you think he has any money left ?  lol

Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 09:12:29 PM »
Sounds like a bad movie.

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Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 10:50:52 PM »
 Hey Sidewinder
  Don't laugh just yet , the cushions of that old sofa might have a priceless japanese sword hidden in them, let Us know what You hear at Sat's   Auction .
  Also , don't knock those old patched leather/vinyl  sofas and chairs , I use to make a killing the first couple of weeks of the Summer , at the flea market on Cape Cod selling Colored Vinyl/Duct Tape to all the landlords .    ;D

Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2011, 06:25:20 PM »
 Well the guy was there alone he really didnt want to talk about it. Finaly after a bit he said 90% was in the land fill and his wife was trying to get $100 for what was left...     OUCH!!!! a $435 hair cut.. I told him well I thought you two were into furnature restoration or something the way they bid it. He just shook his head and muttered something about I wish we were that good as he walked off, he wasn't bidding anything but 5x5 $50 lockers HAHAHAHAHA......
 I didn't mention or ask about the auctioneer getting an extra $85 off them..

 The swap meet lady was keeping him out of the game she never let him win one of the two 5X5's even the one that was full of trash and maybe a managers special she snaged it up. I told her she should of give him round two, so we wouldn't have to deal with em again LOL.. She just laughed and said well at the rate and with the practices they been buying with lately it's only a matter of time they will do it themselfs.

I didnt even make one bid but was tempted to jump the price once or twice. was a owner auctioneer so not to spiffy with as far as having alot of auctions under his belt.

so there you have it HAHAHAHAHAHAHA............

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Re: Heres one for the books
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2011, 06:46:49 PM »
  Got to love a story with a Happy Ending   ;D


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