Storage Auctions

I never thought my first storage auction would change someones life...

I will try to keep this short and sweet. I am a newbie here... and I wont lie, the show brought me into the business.

The other day I bought my first locker for $280. There were briefcases, car stuff, and womens exotic lingerie hanging, which made me think this was someone who was hiding things in this unit from people. So I thought... what does he have to hide? Its mine!

Well, lets just say the unit was a complete loss. However, as I was cleaning out my locker, is started to put the pieces together. It was a unit that belonged to someone who was shot and killed. Come to find out, his mother had been paying for the unit to hang on to personal things of his. However, after speaking to the employee there, they informed me that the mother recently lost her job, hence why the unit went for auction. After cleaning out the locker, I collected two briefcases of photos, last will, death certs etc and returned it to the mother.

She thought those items were lost for good. I took a hit on this unit, but at the same time, I'll pay $280 any day for a mother to have the last of her sons things...

I felt good about what I did, and didnt write it off as a complete loss.... but I'm just getting started!

Re: I never thought my first storage auction would change someones life...
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 09:27:58 AM »
Welcome to the real world of storage auctions.  90% of units are associated with tragedy.  Be it jail, divorce or death..........there is a reason those bills go unpaid.

I wrote recently (regarding a local newscast about the 'glamor' of storage auctions) that most of the time you find the remnants of a broken life......not a ming vase~

Sorry your first locker was a bust, but the lesson(s) learned will stick with you.  wish it had turned out better for you, but that is part of the business. 

We always return the personal items.  No real reason to keep them.  Saddest thing we found was an urn.  Shook me up as I just can't see 'storing' my mom in a locker......but that is me~

Best of luck to you on future endeavors~

Re: I never thought my first storage auction would change someones life...
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 11:32:38 AM »
Welcome to the forums Cuban.  I'm glad you returned the personal stuff.  Some newbies will just trash everything that they can't sell.  Unless I'm told by the company to not bother I return as many photos, diplomas, etc. that I can.

Hope your next unit is more profitiable.

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Re: I never thought my first storage auction would change someones life...
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 12:32:27 PM »
Welcome to the Forum Dave.

Sorry your 1st Locker was a bust...

We have not gotten to much personal stuff, mostly left overs from moving.  We picked one up that looked like a whole house hold / Wrong only half of one. Very little personal stuff and the facility did not want it.  ::)

Good luck on your next one.

We are waiting for the water to subside... Here in Fl.  ::)

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