Don't know which it will be, but right now it's looking pretty good!
All pics here were taken of stuff found in first 10 feet; still a packed 15 feet in back yet to go. Rented lkr for a month to sell out of it and take my time in summer heat to work on it.
This is a 10 x 25 lkr (thought it was a 10 x 15 !) that I got for $350. Bought it based on a couple of things including a small safe (open) that is the kind used in fancier motels/hotels. The prop mgrs had brought in a locksmith to open it and I think I will be able to reset the combination myself from what I can tell. I've also had a theory (unproven) about lkrs containing more than one safe. More on that later.
Scroll down through about 15 pics; text between some pics, especially toward end.
Here are some pics: I think I can make $1k profit and if all goes well in one area it will be more than that. See last few pictures for what I mean.

The jacket is in great shape; chaps to wear over jeans show wear at cuffs.

To bad this little tv won't pick up signals anymore; maybe in Mexico or elsewhere; any one know?

This weedeater is still new in the box ! Both ends still have mfg staples in cardboard.

My theory about lkrs showing one safe...they might have another; haven't seen it in almost 8 years; until now !

This thing has round edges on all four corners; handle on top fits in middle of door; no combination anywhere;
Could keep or sell; if I keep it probably have to spend $100 to $200 getting a new lock, etc. It would replace
two other safes I have.
Haven't gotten into it yet. Tight fit. Will post pics of contents (if any) in a couple of days.

Safe measures 5 feet tall, 2.5 feet left to right and 20" deep front to back. HEAVY !