Nice locker. It's just giving and giving and giving.
Yep, and I thought it had stopped giving, but......
Posting these pics on Wednesday the 7th of September, 2011....the 2nd day of server problems. Hope these pics don't thrown the server off the cliff !
I finally reached the back wall of the "safe lkr" and these pics show some of the doings there. Mostly big stuff, but a few boxes of goodies as well. There are about 20 pics, so I will put 5 or so in each of the next four posts.
If you have any ideas on what some of the big stuff should sell for, please chime in; I don't deal in furniture pieces very much so I welcome any price input.

Overall view above shows the big TV stand (glass and metal); below on the left are "cherrywood" entertainment center
and oak entertainment center with mahogony trunk and old sideboard cabinet on top.

Pic above shows the downward view of a trunk in right rear corner of unit; at this point looks interesting.

The "cherrywood" above is one piece I could use some help on for pricing. I think this is the kind of piece you would get at WalMart, but I didn't see anything like it the other day when I stopped in. The "rack" below the green piece of plastic tape are two wine racks that slide out. Gotta love that Sutter Home !

The mahogony chest above opens upward on the top showing about a 4" deep, lined storage space. The two doors open outward. Nothing special was in it; thinking maybe $40 or $30 for this ?