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Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011

Offline MovieMan

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Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:36:58 AM »
Getting a couple of day jump start on November, 2011 auction doings, but a busy couple of days coming up....Monday the 31st I move the last big items out of my "SAFE" lkr and the 600 pound safe itself gets picked up Monday or Tuesday, so doing some typing today.

Fall auction buying is always my favorite due to cooler temps in the California central valley, but winter's coming and here that means rain problems now and again, but no snow problems at my elevation.

Feel free to tell your good and bad "buy" stories here and of course the main thrust of the thread....reporting on crowds and prices.

General feeling is that both may be going down a bit as we see old "newbies" or lookey-loos dropping out AND the tv shows might be losing some of their popularity as it's pretty much the same action on them from week to week.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 01:38:41 PM »
Well had the silent auction on the 29th of Oct.  Out of the almost 20 units in 3 locations we were down to 4 units in 1 location on Saturday.  One very nice units, two blah units, and one that no one bid on and it was a silent auction.  Crowd was lower then before but still a good dozen people.  Between saturday 5th and friday 11th there are 7 different auctions.  Only going to be able to make 2 or 3 but am hopefull.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 12:28:36 AM »
Went to an auction on Sunday(Sunday auctions are my favorite.Advertised 8 lockers only 4 when I got there.Smaller number of people.One 5X5 went for 65.,One 10x10 220,One 10x10 265,10X15 325.

Didn't even bid.Looked like you would be doing too many dump runs.

Maybe I should open my own dump.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 08:54:29 PM »
November 7, 2011

Went to a couple of auctions today; crowd about 30 (knew 25 of them); prices somewhat moderate until at the 2nd auction I went head to head with a regular who was either running me up or thought as hopeful about it as I did.

A 10 x 15...got it for a grand. Notable furniture piece was a nice birdseye walnut dressing table in perfect condition with mirror and stool. I don't have all that much luck with antiques but will give it a shot. (maybe $200 if lucky)

Along left wall...10 boxes high and when I got inside I was happy to see my guess was right...10 deep front to back as well, so 100 boxes give or take. Another 20 or so boxes along back and right side.

Some junk furn to break up or pawn off cheap on one of my buyers who will haul it away and throw me $20 to $50 depending on quantity and quality.

Took 10 boxes home and only put together 1 box out of 10 as trash. Four RC cars (one like new in box) and an envelope that said "Christmas card stamps"....turns out they were 42 cent stamps and there was a total of $81 in stamps....9 full books of 20 plus a partial book.  Well, that's not quite 10% of the cost of the lkr, but it'll do !

So, I think it will come out OK, but profit may only be in the couple of hundred range as it takes a bit to pay off a grand !  ;)

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2011, 05:57:48 PM »
My monday auction was canceled which really sucked as I was working nights and could actually go to a 9:30 auction for a change.  Missed today's auctions due to work.  Thursday is my big caravan.  Just hope they have more units then did last month.  Friday also has a decent size auction but doubtfull I can go due to work.  Will report back thursday night now that auction goes.

I love finding stamps in units since they are just like cash to me.  Found a book of old .34 stamps in a $27 unit the other day.

Good luck with the unit Movieman.  Let us know what else the boxes contain.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2011, 08:59:49 PM »

I love finding stamps in units since they are just like cash to me.  Found a book of old .34 stamps in a $27 unit the other day.

Good luck with the unit Movieman.  Let us know what else the boxes contain.

Yep, stamps are just like cash to everyone I think....will take me a while to use up $81 worth though; I think I only mail about 6 letters a month. I also found another $6 in stamps, so they are adding up.

Went through more boxes this afternoon. While the first 10 had a good ratio of 1 bad to 9 good, the next batch of about
20 or so fell more in the 8 bad 12 good.  On the other hand, the good were really good...the kind of small collectible stuff I like. Here's some of it:

Zippo lighters: just two, but new in the box with seals on back of lighters.
Camel Cig memorabilia: 20 pieces.
Toys: good quality and quantity...will put out a full table of Toy Story, Winnie the Pooh, etc.
DVDs: 20 children's; 15 regular.
Etc, etc.

The stuff I am calling bad would still sell, it's just not the kind of stuff I sell, so it goes as a lot to several different buyers who basically give me 20 to 30 cents on the dollar; fine with me...they handle it, I don't.

I had one exciting moment when I saw a pistol in a nice nylon holster; the fact it was in a teenager's box made me suspect it though even before I picked it up. It was too lightweight and turned out to be a made in china replica of a 9mm; the holster was good though...Uncle Mike's good to go at $8 to $10 I would think.

So, the lkr is coming out good...better than I thought. My list looks to total up to about $1700 so far. I still have about 40 boxes to go through. Also I found a dresser to go with the dressing table and two matching nightstands too...almost a complete bedroom set except for the bed.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2011, 09:36:53 PM »
Went to a 6 unit auction today, started as 22 and slowly made its way down. First for me in many ways:

1. Locks were actually cut off with a small power tool. (No other facility in my town does this, along with the other things on this list.)
2. Pictures were taken before and after the door was opened.
3. Buyers Premium

Prices were high and so was I. Left with nada, but that wasnt exactly a bad thing.

PS: Sounds like a good locker MovieMan, congrats. 

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2011, 04:20:00 AM »
Yep, stamps are just like cash to everyone I think....will take me a while to use up $81 worth though; I think I only mail about 6 letters a month. I also found another $6 in stamps, so they are adding up.

Could use the stamps on your ebay stuff. LOL

So, the lkr is coming out good...better than I thought. My list looks to total up to about $1700 so far. I still have about 40 boxes to go through. Also I found a dresser to go with the dressing table and two matching nightstands too...almost a complete bedroom set except for the bed.

Need to find a good contact for the antiques. Easy in our area tones of places and buyers.
Sounds like a good locker so far.
Heading out today for the first Auction runs in our area. Will post what the market is like. Only two facilities with 8 units listed more tomorrow.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2011, 03:57:52 PM »
November 9
OMG !!! guess the shows are doing us in...

 Auction started at 12:00 P.M.  4 units listed, 1 left at time of Auction.
                               50 people. 4 regular
                   $850 + 10% 10X20  refrigerator, hove-around scooter, boxes, totes, looked like a lot of large pictures.  Guy that bought a lot last month bought this one was hoping he paid to much last month.

Talked to two gentlemen that this was their first auction. A retired gentleman said he was waiting on the TV crew to show up, Or at least the girl what's her name Barbie, I said eye Candie... LOL He had a lot of questions about the shows... He said do other people get units ? I said they only show the ones they have contracts with.

The next one was at 2:00 PM  4 units listed, 3 left at time of auction
                                over 60 people. 3 regulars missing the one who bought $850 unit, surprise.

     All + 10%     10x20 1/4 full misc. stuff $120
                          10x10 1/2 full stuff no furniture looked like been gone threw. $400 Noobie
  Same owner     10x10  3/4 full  rest of household of above... no big furniture. $250  Regular

First time to this chain of facilities. Not sure we will return The Manager was very chatty and said they try really hard to work with their customers. The two same owner units said they should have been Auctioned back in January.. He said some legal stuff took this long ????? 
Have more tomorrow and Friday will keep you posted. Not looking good same Auction company different facility.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2011, 03:47:53 PM »
Well today saw at least one unit at every facility in the 7 facility run I do once a month.  Crowds were again larger for my area.  First place we started out with a dozen bidder, 20-25 people.  By the time we were 1/2 way done we had 50+ people and about 20 bidders or so.  Units were mediocore to really good.  Had one unit that opened the door and it had 2 of the kid battery powered cars, a fabric castle, professional packaged boxes stacked to the ceiling.  What caught every eye however was the craftsman toolbox (retail 453+) and the craftsman closet or upright tool chest (retail 500+).  Unit sold for $1200 which was a great price IMO.  Got outbid on a few units I liked but didn't go for hardcore.  Wish I had on one as behind the furniture was a nice stero system, surround sound system, blue-ray, etc.  Oh well, live and learn.

I did picked up a small 5x5 that had golf/fishing gear in it for $80.  I'll post a picture later here to see what ya'll think.  If it was worth $80 or not.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2011, 06:01:37 PM »
Went on a caravan today... Way to many Nob's first Auction about 30 people 7 regulars. Only Nob's purchased. We left the caravan and went to a new one to us 8 people 5 bidders. The manager was talking about the TV shows and said if he had a guy like Hester he would shoot him... LOL Our local Whale was at this one and did not look to happy to see us.  ;D  He offers a class for Storage Auction buying... must not be a good class... LOL  3 units. 5X5 $35.00, 5x5 pretty full small furniture pieces $70.00 Purchased a 5x5 with one tote, a kids bed from the 70"s (big orange and yellow flowers on the material) has the wheels on it with a foam mattress.. And 20,000 lbs Reese hitch. Paid $60 So should be good. I quickly looked in tote had clothes on top.. Levis. After going threw it in the bottom 28 beanie babies... LOL Oh ya and .11
Returned to the caravan it just got worse.. 60 people a junk 4x8 unit $350  All Nobs. And they had a sell and hold on two... Looking to go somewhere else tomorrow. This is crazy. Guess we are a little slow here in the south with the TV shows... All the Nob's were straight from the couch.  ::)

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2011, 12:35:51 PM »
I just noticed this week that all of the storage places now put up a little sign in the office of when the next storage auction is.  Wonder if that is why I'm seeing more people / noobs only at certain auctions.

Anyways - I took a little longer then normal lunch to hit a auction this afternoon.  Place is a new facility that opened 2 years ago and is part of a chain of 3 in the area now.  First time doing an auction, they had 27 units up and was a silent auction (boo).  Was a good 40 - 50 people with a ton of newbies.  Was about 12 of us regulars (count myself since I'm now known by name and such) and the rest new people.  Everyone had questions, was talking about the shows, etc.  Sort of glad it was a silent auction as I'd hate to see what the bids would of been live.  Saw a few good lockers but most of it was furniture and junk.  Stuff that didn't interest me.  So I doubt I'll get a phone call in the next 20 mins saying I won something.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2011, 01:13:26 PM »

First time doing an auction, they had 27 units up and was a silent auction (boo).  So I doubt I'll get a phone call in the next 20 mins saying I won something.

I like silent auctions; if you read the crowd and the contents right you can sometimes score quite well. Certainly the first few lockers might set the trend for the duration of the auction.

As far as getting a call saying you had won something....I WOULDN'T LIKE THAT !

I want to know right when it happens who gets it and for what amount. That is also an indication of what kind of money and smarts are out there. I hope the "call you later" never happens in my area.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2011, 01:38:08 PM »
This was the first time that it was a "call you later" type.  Was ok with me since I had to get back to my main job.

I did just get a call and I won a unit for $26.
D-106 C. Lutes, bed frame, boxes (cont. unk)

Started to clean out the unit.  Now I know why I got it was junk furniture, trash, and 2 trunks.  I'm a sucker for trunks and thus put the token bid in.  First trunk had some nascar coke bottles and stuff wrapped in newspaper.  Second trunk had nascar and coke stuff.  Should do well with the unit despite the $20 dump run I expect.

Found a gift card on the floor from best buy -- just called and it has $34.66 on it.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 11.....November, 2011
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2011, 09:06:30 PM »
This was the first time that it was a "call you later" type.  With Movieman on that one

I did just get a call and I won a unit for $26.
D-106 C. Lutes, bed frame, boxes (cont. unk)

Found a gift card on the floor from best buy -- just called and it has $34.66 on it.
Can't complain about that.
We went with same caravan today. Stayed for two, prices not bad but still high. 10x20 3/4 full household. $560 nice stuff.
5x5 packed, trash sofa at least two dump runs. $250
We left and drove a little ways to new place 100 people 10 bidders. Prices really good. a 10x20 packed to the ceiling full household $1200. Set of cervin-vega speakers at the door.
We got another one. Had leather love-seat, Microwave cart with glass cabinet on top, small entertainment, center, small flower table?, 4 Michelin tires with tread. no totes no boxes no trash. $75.00  Most of the people looked at us like we were crazy.. Our truck is empty dropped it all the furniture off at thrift/consignment shop on way home priced at $160..Low end furniture but she can sell it. I am going in tomorrow to help her get some things done for trade on the commission. We will put the tires on CL. Not rolling in it but moving forward.

Lookey Loos Part 5.....May, 2011

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