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Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2011, 09:06:26 PM »
Went on a run today, about 45 people showed up.  Bought the first locker at the first stop and glad I did!  I had a friend along with me that nobody knew, and I told him to go up to 400 and I would just sit back in the crowd.........he got if for 385.  Prices got stupider (word?) from there on out!  One unit went for 1800 today, and lot's of 500-800 lockers.  Dropped out with two facilities left and dug through the one I bought......so far some black and decker battery tools, dishes, a bunch of old models in the boxes, lot's of small tools, grinders, sanders, drills, etc.  Still a lot I haven't looked at, but so far I think I'll at least get my money back, and hopefully a small profit.  On the plus side, it doesn't look like I'll have much garbage!

Offline ChefJ

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2011, 09:30:19 PM »
Its nice when most of the locker is of some value, ocngrats.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2011, 12:58:38 PM »
A nice teacher - sounds like a good locker.  I'd end up keeping most of the tools but that is one of the things I'm looking for personally.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2011, 12:48:58 AM »
A nice teacher - sounds like a good locker.  I'd end up keeping most of the tools but that is one of the things I'm looking for personally.

I'm constantly upgrading and adding to my tool collection!  If I find something that is nicer than the one I currently have, I put it in my collection and sell the old one.  I kept the 18volt Ridgid set (Drill, Impact Gun, Saw, and Light) I found last week and I'm going to sell my old 18 volt stuff.  I sold my Makita worm drive saw when I found a Bosch worm drive in a unit!  I've been doing this for years, and I have a pretty nice collection of tools, and I still have boxes and boxes worth for sale.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2011, 07:34:28 AM »
Well the big spenders kept me out of the game this past week. I guess I took on the role of "runnin them up man". I had no intention to do this but they just would'nt quit and let me win any. I was willing to take some chances since my last batch of units was so profitable, so I bid pretty high above my comfort level on many units this past week. One guy "beat me" out of a 5 x 10 filled with totes for $500! *hand to face, shakes head*

A couple of observations about the newbies who have jumped in the last couple of months. Half of them are gone! Big spenders one month, vanish after that. The other half who have stuck around? Not bidding, hardly bidding, or spending small amounts on smaller units. I guess this verifies that me and the other regulars have not been missing anything by letting the newbs pay retail prices for units.

Old Newbies (been doing auctions last couple of months) Licking there wounds!
New Newbies (been doing auctions less than a month) Still think theres gold in them there hills!
When are the Old Newbies going to tell the New Newbies not to waste thier money?

Some of the old regulars are starting to come back! This is great because we all cut up, make jokes, laugh at newbies, and have a good time during the auctions. Some of them have taken to fighting off the newbies for units and winning them at all cost. I think they need more inventory for their stores. I am there too, I need more inventory.

That's it for August, let's hope September is even better!

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2011, 09:21:48 AM »
You know im one of thosr newbies that bid on alot of cheaper lkrs. I guess im a smart newb but from what ive seen on these forums theres a couple smart newbs in here that dont drop there whole payroll thinkin every lkr is full of gold bricks and jewels beyond imagining.  Now we all know that theres lkrs out there that have gold and diamonds and many other jewels worth a pretty penny as we heard and seen from these forums. The way I see it is the cheaper lkrs are going to have all the more better items the ones newbs run up arent going to have much profit. Now ive bought 2 cheap lkrs spent a total of 190 and have tuns of great items and have a possibility of making at least 3-4times my money back on the first unit and around 10-15 times my money on the second unit.

All in all I guess its just what you know about business how to buy learning to sell and not thinking that every unit is gold and running yourself out of the business before you even start.

Thats just my 2cents worth this morning. More to come later when someone wants lol

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2011, 06:37:57 PM »
Went on a caravan in south central PA today. The first 2 locations were cancelled. The third location had 5 units. I figured it being a city, there would be a ton of people. Lately it has been around 175-200. It was only about 50-60 people with 5 or 6 bidders. I didnt get anything there. The prices seemed high on the first 2 lockers but the other 3 were alright. The last one had some really nice high end furniture, a double door fridge, and some glass cabinets and that went for $875.

The second location had 36 people (girlfriend didnt believe there was that many, so I counted). Only 1 unit. A really small one with 8 boxes and some cans of paint. I got it for $10. So far found some really nice clothes which I'll end up taking to the consignment store. Also a lot of paintings and pictures of lions and tigers.

After that I quit as the other locations were 2 hours away with 1 unit each. Surprising, but it seems that it slowing down a little bit here.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2011, 01:36:44 PM »
Went to the first of a two facility auction at lunch.  Was 6 lockers up for sale.  Very disappointing lockers - most of them were pretty empty.  As such prices were all under $100 except for the one locker with 4 matresses, tv, and some other furniture went for $150.  Crowd was about 20 people with half being regulars.  A few of the others may of been regulars that I'd just not seen before.  Get a report from father on how the other facility did.  Was four units there for sale.

Offline acman

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #38 on: August 30, 2011, 02:37:26 PM »
Well the big spenders kept me out of the game this past week. I guess I took on the role of "runnin them up man". I had no intention to do this but they just would'nt quit and let me win any. I was willing to take some chances since my last batch of units was so profitable, so I bid pretty high above my comfort level on many units this past week. One guy "beat me" out of a 5 x 10 filled with totes for $500! *hand to face, shakes head*

A couple of observations about the newbies who have jumped in the last couple of months. Half of them are gone! Big spenders one month, vanish after that. The other half who have stuck around? Not bidding, hardly bidding, or spending small amounts on smaller units. I guess this verifies that me and the other regulars have not been missing anything by letting the newbs pay retail prices for units.

Old Newbies (been doing auctions last couple of months) Licking there wounds!
New Newbies (been doing auctions less than a month) Still think theres gold in them there hills!
When are the Old Newbies going to tell the New Newbies not to waste thier money?

Some of the old regulars are starting to come back! This is great because we all cut up, make jokes, laugh at newbies, and have a good time during the auctions. Some of them have taken to fighting off the newbies for units and winning them at all cost. I think they need more inventory for their stores. I am there too, I need more inventory.

That's it for August, let's hope September is even better!

Well, then your "Regulars" better get to liking losing cash on units regularly then.  Because the smart newbs(myself included) aren't willing to get a locker at all cost and really don't give a flying bleep if the "Regulars" are losing money because maybe, just maybe they will get the hint that not every newb is a complete DF.  So if your in the group of winning at any cost, enjoy being hurt by legit new buyers. 

Because people like me are in it for the long haul.  Can't wait for the bad weather day auctions.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2011, 02:53:14 PM »
acman, you need to learn a bit of terminology. Noob/Newb is a term used to describe a clueless individual who goes into something they are unfamiliar with, and have no clue about what they are doing.  They can screw up a wet dream in short order.
   New People, which I've seen the term on here, are people who are new to the storage auctions, but have at least a basic concept/grasp of what they are doing, and, while competing for the units, aren't retarded noob's that show up with a wad of cash and piss it away on everything that shines.
   I'm new to it as well, and I'm not stupid enough to want to piss off people that have ten, twenty or thirty years in this business because I think I'm just that damn smart.  You can smart yourself right into stupid, and I have no interest in doing that.
   As my dad always said, 'everybody pisses in the fan once in a while.  The retard does it while shouting about how he's making it rain'.

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #40 on: August 30, 2011, 03:22:07 PM »

Because people like me are in it for the long haul.  Can't wait for the bad weather day auctions.

Each person is different of course and we have no way of knowing who truly will be in it for the long haul until time goes by...might be six months, a year and I would consider that someone is in it for better or worse.  I can list easily on one hand the screen names of 5 people who were enthusiastic as little as 3 months ago here on the forum and are already gone. Not saying you are one of those, I don't know you but in 6 to 12 months I will know you better.

As to waiting for the bad weather....if you mean you'll be out in it while others will not, you might want to rethink that one. It's been a common thought that if the weather is too hot or too windy or too wet that people will stay away from the auctions...just the opposite happens as everyone thinks that and they all go !

Now "newbies" (however we might define them) WILL get a taste of working in 110 degree metal units after buying one, and THAT might discourage them.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and profit from auctions and stick it out.

Offline acman

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #41 on: August 30, 2011, 03:27:26 PM »
acman, you need to learn a bit of terminology. Noob/Newb is a term used to describe a clueless individual who goes into something they are unfamiliar with, and have no clue about what they are doing.  They can screw up a wet dream in short order.
   New People, which I've seen the term on here, are people who are new to the storage auctions, but have at least a basic concept/grasp of what they are doing, and, while competing for the units, aren't retarded noob's that show up with a wad of cash and piss it away on everything that shines.
   I'm new to it as well, and I'm not stupid enough to want to piss off people that have ten, twenty or thirty years in this business because I think I'm just that damn smart.  You can smart yourself right into stupid, and I have no interest in doing that.
   As my dad always said, 'everybody pisses in the fan once in a while.  The retard does it while shouting about how he's making it rain'.

I guess you and I have different definitions of newb/noob then.  I sometimes get the feeling that anyone who isn't in the pre 2010 cliche is a noob/newb to them and is seen as poison, although that just my view.

Offline acman

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Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #42 on: August 30, 2011, 03:37:07 PM »
Each person is different of course and we have no way of knowing who truly will be in it for the long haul until time goes by...might be six months, a year and I would consider that someone is in it for better or worse.  I can list easily on one hand the screen names of 5 people who were enthusiastic as little as 3 months ago here on the forum and are already gone. Not saying you are one of those, I don't know you but in 6 to 12 months I will know you better.

As to waiting for the bad weather....if you mean you'll be out in it while others will not, you might want to rethink that one. It's been a common thought that if the weather is too hot or too windy or too wet that people will stay away from the auctions...just the opposite happens as everyone thinks that and they all go !

Now "newbies" (however we might define them) WILL get a taste of working in 110 degree metal units after buying one, and THAT might discourage them.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and profit from auctions and stick it out.

I was just getting a general sense of hostility from that statement he made.

As for bad weather days, I'm talking about days when it is snowing/bitterly cold/etc.  When people will stay home rather then go out.

And as for working in 110 degree units, already been there and done that when I work in hot environments.  I bring a huge container of water with me to these things to stay hydrated and somewhat cool on summer days.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #43 on: August 30, 2011, 04:12:48 PM »
I guess you and I have different definitions of newb/noob then.  I sometimes get the feeling that anyone who isn't in the pre 2010 cliche is a noob/newb to them and is seen as poison, although that just my view.

You want to spend your time taking offense over piddly ass ****, that's your business.  If they ain't personally directing the comment at me, then it ain't at me.  I don't have time to get a chip on my shoulder.
   Biting cold weather?  You don't understand a lot of these people.  About the only way you can keep the real unit buyers away is to have the freaking roads closed, and some of them will still try to make it.
   You ain't the only cowboy that has heard that they now sell water in bottles.  Some of even have these fancy things called coolers!!  Work like a champ.  Winter?  We buy coats.  And since I grew up off the Great Lakes, I can take a damn good bit of cold.  I'm not going to think I'm the only one out there who can handle extremes in temperature.

Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« Reply #44 on: August 30, 2011, 04:17:34 PM »
Easy now.

Anyways hitting up a single auction tomorrow with 6 units so far. Hopefully the crowds thin down for good around here. It just gets a little frustrating when it takes 20-25 minutes to look at a locker because people have to wheel their strollers in front of it. I'm sure your 4 month old son knows whats in those boxes.

Lookey Loos Part 5.....May, 2011

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Lookey Loos Part 12.....December, 2011

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Lookey Loos Part 7.....July, 2011

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Lookey Loos Part 4....April, 2011

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