Storage Auctions

New locker won today at U-Haul auction

New locker won today at U-Haul auction
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:01:49 PM »
After a long period without auction we kicked it off here in memphis today.
The next 2-3 weeks will be nasty busy.

Well i got my self a unit at todays U-Haul auction. Had to fork up $425.00 for it. But thats ok, there was a safe in there. and a lot of other goodies. Can't wait to go thru it all this weekend.

All i know is that this unit belonged to a self employed real estate agent, and i think she went out of business.

I took home one little box with stuff, and so far it has a re-sale value of close to 1500 bucks. can't wait to bring home the safe, big tv, HON filing cabinet, and 7 boxes full of stuff, and a 22" flatscreen tv.

Re: New locker won today at U-Haul auction
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 06:00:24 PM »
Have now gone thru some of the content in this unit.

So far i have found a 2 drawer HON filing cabinet, several phone systems, plantronics headsets, 32" Sony TV, 22" flatscreen tv, one computer with 15" flatscreen monitor, Infocus projector, 2 sets of panasonic wireless loudspeakers, 2 BMW leather owners manual cases, 48 DVD's, 70 CD's, one 2.8 cubic feet safe ( not open yet ), 2 HP laserprinters, tons of cables, these are probobly from a office.  And i have found 28.78 in cash.

Still i have 3 more boxes and a safe to go thru.

Re: New locker won today at U-Haul auction
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2011, 08:12:14 PM »
Mr. Andersen it sounds like you SCORED!! Congrats

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