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Post your pics

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2011, 11:07:21 AM »
Not all beaniebabies are worth top dollars, alot of them are in the pricelist that came out now in 2011 valued at $1.00 or less.
But if you have the right ones, yeah they go fortop dollars. 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations beanies in mint condition get their value.
Most of the ones i got went for $18 and $25 a piece. One of them went for $85.00 Only two of then went for under $5.00

This is an adjusted value done in november of 2010. 70% of the beanies have lost about 10-15% of their value, some have increased their value, but thats like a handful of them.

So to another point,before you guys start to call others for liers, i have one thing to say. Take a good look in the mirror, you might find a lier a lot closer then you think. You don't know me, or know my background, so calling me a lier is something you have no right to do. That goes for the both of you.  I can not help any of you two, to make you sad lifes any better, if you can't sell products for a profit or for it's value, then thats your f...... problem. Why would i help two losers like you??? Tell me why i should open up my world of contacts to you? Exactly, i have been in the collecting business for almost 25 years in Europe, i have since i moved to the USA connected with alot of people in the collection business.

I was basicly born into collection and auctions, my family have been in the auctionhouse business for 60 years in Europe, don't you think that some benefits comes with that???

All i have to say is that envy is a *****, so just because you can't sell things, don't call others names and liers. You stink, I win, it is that easy. ****ing dumbasses.

You know what Movieman, if you had sent me a private message, and said, hey can we hook up and you help me with some beanie babies sale, i would probobly have done that for you. BUT when you bring it on in a sarcastic way like this, and at the same time indirectly call me a lier,  i will not lift a finger to help you out.

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Re: Post your pics
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2011, 11:25:54 AM »
Well Mr. A I think if you re-read the posts in question you'll see I didn't call you a liar....perhaps sbell did in an off-handed way, but I'm not sure.

Sorry you take such umbrage at my thoughts on Beanie Babies. Sure there are some worth money and sure if you have a good contact for a buyer of them you're good to go, but BY IN LARGE I stand by my assertion that they aren't a biggie in the overall picture. How about Cabbage Patch Kids?

Of course any item is worth what someone will pay for it, and you're right, having that person or persons available is great.

As to envy, well, I have to tell you I am not envious of you. It's "A life style" you know and I'm as happy with mine as you are with yours....mirror not withstanding.

Best of selling to you.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2011, 12:03:16 PM »
Most toys that are "new" are no big thing right now, if you want to make money on toy collections, it has to be older then 1974, this is the year where most toy companies went over to plastic, yeah some made tin toys for a few years after 1974, but then outsourced it to Taiwan or Hong Kong, the value on those are next to nothing. In the earliy 80's it was motly made in China. Made in China is bad for anything worth collecting.

I try to stay away from toys in general, but if i do come across toys like beanie babies or other collectibles, then i try to find a byer that i know collect it or know someone who does. With my beanie babies, i had to go thru 3 people to get a buyer.  My point is, people use Ebay as the only place to sell or have a value set. This is so far from the real world as you can come. Ebay is a place to dump everything you don't want, becasue on ebay you have 80% low end buyers.

Let me take another example, fine china. Rulesforrebels said he could not sell it, well i can't sell that either on ebay, unless it is one piece someone needs to replace in their set, because their broke. I take my china to stores that sell china, both new and used. They don't buy it from me, but they are marketing it for me to customers that stops buy. And 8 out of 10 times i sell it. Then the store gets 20% commission of the sale.

It is all about creating a network, create relations with people, and then "key people"  It is all in what i call creative selling.
But of course, if all you hope for is for ebay and craigslist to do the job, then you have limited your self as much as you can.

Places i try to stay away from when it comes to selling is Ebay, craigslist and pawn stores. These 3 places will not generate any profit at all.

So is there stuff i can't sell? of course, but i try to stay away from lockers that has that in them. Like mattresses, i hate them and i can't sell it. Another thing is books, i hate books, becasue i only get like 25 cents for them no matter what, and sometimes they don' buy it all, becasue it is not the right title. The 3rd thing i can not seem to sell is CD's and DVD's, So basicly i am building up my own CD and DVD collection.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2011, 01:38:28 PM »
What? People lie? I don't believe it !

(and don't you believe THAT!, but I generally give people the benefit of a doubt)
Giving people the benefit of the doubt is the best course, but you risk a damaged retina if you fight the eyeroll for too long.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2011, 03:58:10 PM »
Giving people the benefit of the doubt is the best course, but you risk a damaged retina if you fight the eyeroll for too long.

Sbell111 you don't seem to want to stop do you? You should really stop and think before you continue to make a fool of your self.
You can think whatever you want about me and what i stand for. But until you know the whole truth then just shut the **** up.

By going out in public and calling me a lier without any good reason, or proof of that, you are stepping into some legal territory where a lawsuit might hang over your head. So lets see how far you dear take this. I know in the end i will have the last laugh and the last saying.

Like i said in a earlier post on this forum, you are a nobody, you probobly have not gotten one damn locker yet, and have not made any attempts to get one. You are just a big talker and nothing else. Like i said, i am a winner, your not.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2011, 04:24:33 PM »
1.  You clearly have very little legal knowledge if you are threatening legal action based on anything stated in this thread.  I wait with great anticipation the lawsuit that you threaten.  Please file without delay.

2.  You have a potty mouth.

3.  You once again make assumptions without facts.

4.  It is amusing that you are calling anyone else a big talker.

Offline Drew

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Re: Post your pics
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2011, 06:23:50 PM »
Let's play nice

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2011, 06:42:29 PM »
Hey drew send me his IP address please.
I need to state an example with this guy.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2011, 06:53:34 PM »
Well if you are so sure i don't have any grounds to go thru with a lawsuit, well then you should read this.

Might change your mind.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2011, 07:09:57 PM »
Well if you are so sure i don't have any grounds to go thru with a lawsuit, well then you should read this.

Might change your mind.
There's no new info in the posted link.  If you believe you have a case and you can find a lawyer that agrees with you, go crazy.  Otherwise, go pound sand.

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2011, 07:20:11 AM »
Wow guys!

I wanted this to be a fun thread. It's kind of disappointing, really. Maybe there should be a "You gotta beef with me?" thread.

So here's something else I found in my lockers. I don't even want to comment  ;D

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2011, 09:53:19 AM »
Hmmmm........I think I used to date her sister! ;D

Offline Drew

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Re: Post your pics
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2011, 10:24:14 AM »
Now that is scary! :o

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2011, 12:34:41 PM »

Now she is SEXY!!  Bet the rest of that locker was interesting

Re: Post your pics
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2011, 11:42:53 PM »
Found only one of these in a unit. I find a lot of ammo but this is a 50 caliber Armor Piecing from Twin Cites arsenal in 1943. Any 50 cal is neat but WWII AP is really cool.

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