Well I figured I had some beginner's luck with my first unit. It had a jewelry box and some cool antiques and I only paid $280 and tripled my money on it.
So, I went to another great auction this week and won another for $250. There were over 26 units up for auction! There were only about 40 bidders. Some people bought several units and I stayed clear of the larger ones since I am not ready for those yet. Anyways, what caught my eye was what appeared to be an antique clock. I figured with one antique there would be more. Unfortunately what I thought was an antique was not. It had a battery that was corroded. Hmmmm. Also, it was packed with old stuffed animals with rat feces all over them. What is up with the stuffed animals? Why in the heck do people pay money to store that crap? I like fuzzy cute things but after digging through bag after bag of stuffed dirty toys I have never hated them as much as I do now!

The only good things in the locker were several Marine Corp uniforms, which I am trying to sell online, one WW2 Navy Crackerjack uniform (Might sell for some good money) and some china. Any advice as to where to sell china? I heard replacements LTD did not pay well? I might go with them anyways since I am not sure what else to do with the china. It is not a complete set just cups and saucers. Sigh. I guess some units are just better than others. I kind of figured.