Storage Auctions

Stupid people piss me off

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2011, 06:01:10 PM »
Did a yard sale today.  Was selling any clothing for .25 just to get rid of it without throwing it away.  Young lady comes up with her mom look at several things.  She grabs up a pair of jeans and said "I'll give you .50 for these".   ::)Yeah I took it.

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Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2011, 06:24:52 PM »
Low price items like that I usually price double what I want to get for it, because there's always some cheap ass genius who wants to haggle from $1.00 to fifty cents.  (Why do they usually just pay the price on the larger items, but ***** over the little stuff?) Anyway, that way I get what I want out of it, even if they do dicker, and I usually make more than I wanted.
   They think they got one over on me, when I got what I wanted anyway at the worst.

Well hell, I was even throwing free stuff out there for people. They just cant walk over and get the free stuff though. I had it set up where if they bought $5 worth of merchandise they can dig out one thing out of the free boxes, sometimes I even let them have more free if I got off to them :)


Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2011, 08:45:28 PM »
I saw a guy pay over a grand for a unit with 4 mattresses and nothing else at a blair auction.

I'm a newb and I wouldn't do that! I'd laugh at that guy the entire day.

One I recently attended a guy paid $1400 for a unit that had a painters tarp strung across the frnot you coudlnt see a single thing in the unit. I'm all for taking chances and riskvsreward but thats just dumb in my opinion.

I'd go as high as $500 on that unit then stop. That kind of mystery ain't worth $1400.

Offline rugie

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2011, 10:48:44 PM »
I need to start making mystery boxes at my yard sales. Find out what's in the box...$1000.

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2011, 08:13:22 PM »
Well so far on my hoarders unit ive found bout 6 or 7 avon items still in box that I might be able to sell to an avon vendor at the flea market for cheap an oil painting in good condition. Have to get that apraised or find out about it. Tuns and tuns of .25, .50. & 1.00 items for a garage sale. 11.90 in dimes. So after all my costs I think I might either break even or lose money.

Out of curiousity how the hell do you get rid of christmas items? I got so many now im about to start throwing them out.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2011, 08:19:16 PM »
Well so far on my hoarders unit ive found bout 6 or 7 avon items still in box that I might be able to sell to an avon vendor at the flea market for cheap an oil painting in good condition. Have to get that apraised or find out about it. Tuns and tuns of .25, .50. & 1.00 items for a garage sale. 11.90 in dimes. So after all my costs I think I might either break even or lose money.

Out of curiousity how the hell do you get rid of christmas items? I got so many now im about to start throwing them out.

If the Xmas items are of good quality, the best time to sell them is mid october to mid january

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2011, 08:28:47 PM »
Yeah bout 85% of them of are great quality mostly considering there new still in box or used maybe one time. 3 trees new in box different sizes 2are light up. Boxs of light still in packages village pieces in packages. Ornaments, light up houses and more brand new in package. Cant get better than that.

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2011, 03:30:00 PM »
So latest update on my hoarders unit. Turns out this unit has tuns and tuns of potential. I found an antique wooden doll from the 30's or 40's in pretty good shape. Best thing so far is a sleep apnea machine brand new in box still has invoice. Unit costed 655. Plus still has all the plastic wraping. Im going to a place that sells medical equipment and rent stuff out tomorrow and see if I can sell them that. Also getting the doll appraised and if I can find someone about the painting I will for that also.

Thanks bigbizz for the tip on contacts. When selling my toolbox I talked to the,guy and he does sales all the time well he will sell my things for 10% commission which will help me out so I can sell the furniture and such. Also he knows someone who will buy my wine glasses for more then I think there worth. So thank yuns for the tips.

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Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2011, 03:47:30 PM »
Best thing so far is a sleep apnea machine brand new in box still has invoice. Unit costed 655. Plus still has all the plastic wraping. Im going to a place that sells medical equipment and rent stuff out tomorrow and see if I can sell them that.

I'll be interested to hear about your experience at the med place. Remember, they buy things wholesale in some degree of bulk so they can SELL that unit at 655, so think about what you might expect from them IF they consider buying it.

You wouldn't be able to sell it on eBay as they would kick it off in nothing flat. They have people selling them there who are licensed to do so.

Offline acman

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Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2011, 03:53:30 PM »
So latest update on my hoarders unit. Turns out this unit has tuns and tuns of potential. I found an antique wooden doll from the 30's or 40's in pretty good shape. Best thing so far is a sleep apnea machine brand new in box still has invoice. Unit costed 655. Plus still has all the plastic wraping. Im going to a place that sells medical equipment and rent stuff out tomorrow and see if I can sell them that. Also getting the doll appraised and if I can find someone about the painting I will for that also.

Thanks bigbizz for the tip on contacts. When selling my toolbox I talked to the,guy and he does sales all the time well he will sell my things for 10% commission which will help me out so I can sell the furniture and such. Also he knows someone who will buy my wine glasses for more then I think there worth. So thank yuns for the tips.

Just a tip on CPAP machines terror.  For the most part, like reselling many medical devices, usually half of actual price is what low unit hours/new units will sell for on a great day.  This is because for I'd imagine 70 to 80 percent of the Sleep Apnea sufferers out there get machines through insurance.  I sold my unit(low unit hours) for $125.  If someone offers you $250 I'd run with it.  It's just like I said before med appliances are a tricky business.

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2011, 05:42:16 PM »
I personally would be happy with 100 for the unit. But also the place im going to mostly rents out the equipment. But I did only spend 90 on the unit so I be happy just to break even right now. But will keep yall posted on these items. Have an auction in the morning as they said it was today so there a few of us there but being a small town i'll be the odd one out.

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2011, 09:24:53 AM »
Just remember those checks only come on the 1st and 15th.  Watch out on the days following.

yup  ;)

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2011, 05:01:51 PM »
i've heard the best way to do a yard sale is to price nothing, that way customers can come and ask you the price and begin a conversation

Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2011, 09:13:54 PM »
Update on my hoarders unit from a while back. I just sold the cpap machine for 200. Remember I paid 90 for the unit and have now made over 300. I say thats not to bad for a trash unit lol.

Offline acman

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Re: Stupid people piss me off
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2011, 01:47:20 AM »
Congrats man, it's not even half of retail(no one ever gets retail on med equipment though) but it is a major win.

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