Yesterday, I drove over an hour to a town called Keene, Tx for 15 unit storage auction.
I have never been to an auction that has more than 6 lockers up for bidding.
Got there and parked besides a lady, my truck started sinking in a sinkhole because of all the rain that we got.

same time, Im trying to get this truck out of it, sank even further down. someone tried to come to my rescue, and still wouldnt budge.
Im here freaking out on how the hell im gonna get this dang thing out. Called a tow and went ahead to the first 2 lockers.
This is the part that teed me off. Most storage auctions i went to, started with a low number then worked its way up.
not this one. they just wanted their money back (defaulted loan) first locker was a tiny locker, wanted started the bidding at $205 for a really scummy trashy locker. WTF!!
2nd locker was even worse, wanted 285.

he wouldnt go down so he marked it down as no bids and keeping it for next auction (to reel a sucker in somehere and some times)
pissed me off and everyone else. everyone walked away and couldnt believe the prices. That storage manager needs to get off from watching too much storage wars hoping the storage business will cash in.

tow driver shows and i got my truck out of the sink hole, broke my valance off but it was easily put back on later the day.
to show up at that silly stupid place, costs me 85.00.. 60 for tow and 25 for parts to put the valance back on.
I m this close to calling the storage place and demand my money back.
but im the one that drove over the sink hole.
lesson learned and yesterday I was teed off...

but did i go back to the auctioning? Hell no with those prices hes starting out with. Just left