Storage Auctions

Unit #3 & #4 down (pics)

Unit #3 & #4 down (pics)
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:49:52 PM »
This was a week of a few first in my short storage auction buying so far.
My first true bust it looks like.
My first doing a recover property report with the police.  (found 4 SSN cards and 3 debit type cards all with different names and such from the person that owned the locker).
My first on-site deal to make some cash back after a sale.

This past Monday found myself and daughter heading to one of the two caravan auctions each month in my area.  I love this guy as he holds his auctions later in the day after I get off work so it's easy for me to attend.  The afternoon started off bad.  On way to the auction we both watched a SUV loose control and cut into the median from the other side of the devided highway and roll.  Very nasty wreck, everyone stop to help, and think the lady lived.  Once police and EMS got on the scene I got back in my truck to hurry to the auction.

First facility had 13 units listed in the paper and was down to 5.  Crowd was about normal for this place with mostly regulars.  A few newer faces but still only about 20 people in all.  Prices were fair for the units seen.  Then we get to the last unit for this location.  

I bid up to $300 for the unit and stopped.  Just wasn't sure if any more then that was worth the gamble.  Unit finally sold for $480 or so I think.  Will have to check my notes.

Second facility was more of the same as the first.  A few $10 units.  Once my daughter said she would of bid on and I said go ahead but you must do the work to clean, sort, etc.  Thinking of all the cloths in this unit (could only see cloths in a 5x5) she passed.  Another unit like that first 5x5 went for $75.  A bunch of the regulars were going "did we miss something" as they were teasing my daughter that unit was for her.

The third and last facility of the caravan is where purchased my third and fourth unit.  Got outbid on a few others I had bid on as they went past my max.  Anyways - the first unit I purchased didn't look like much.  Had a old computer, tv, table, odds and ends, and a juicer in the box.  Also had a bike with no seat and 3 scooters.  I opened the bid for $10, lady that was new bid $20, our resident DH...aka Mr. Five bid his "five" for $25, and I jumped it to $35.  No one else wanted it so got the unit for cheap.

Doing a quick search we found a N64 with all the controllers and cables (no games).  Also, various medical devices such as a nebulizer, new diabetic testing strips, and 3 testing devices.  No idea what I'm going to do with that stuff.  Though with a new tube and such the nebulizer does work.  I put the juicer up on CL at $75 to start.  It's retial was $189 from the home shopping network.  If get even $35 for it I'll of broken even and be happy.  Kids kept the two good scooters.  Other one is going to my scrap pile.  Bike I'm waiting to see if can find a seat in next month or so to sell around Christmas.

We see a few more units but nothing that catches my eye till the last unit of the day.  

This unit was old looking.  I saw lots of spider webs, dust, etc.  I also saw a fridge (been looking for a godo 2nd one for house), a vac, a steam vac (also need), mid size TV, DVD/VCR combo, some cloths, and other boxes.  So I was interested in this unit.  Bid starts out at $50 and I jump in with $75.  It gets to $175 and the lady bows out.  Then Mr. Five comes in and starts to bid.  We get to $220 when it dawns on me I know what Mr. Five wants.  He wants the furniture and I hate furniture for the most part.  While I have the room to store it I don't mess with it right now due to time and such.  So I turn around and ask "You wanting the furniture right?  $50 and it's yours".  Mr. Five is a regular and has seen me these last few months around.  Him and I have talked and bantered in the past in a friendly way.  So he was a little surprised but said ok.  I was a little surprised as he gave me the $50 right then and there w/o a truck and such.  I cleaned out the locker and stopped at the thrift store he buys for to drop of a copy of my key.  So he stopped bidding on the locker, I made a quick $50 so the unit cost me $180, and we both were happy.

This unit however is going to be my first true lost I think.  The large tv worked but the top edge of screen makes everyone look like eggheads.  The vac has a bunch of busted and cracked hoses.  Not tried to turn it or the steam vac on yet.  Was mostly interested in the fridge and boxes, and why I was going to bid up to $250 for the unit.  Found out the boxes are ALL cloths.  The outside of the unit to me looked like an apartment type unit or downsize.  I was wrong.  It seems while I was right the unit was old (Sept 2005 newspaper) the people had a major fire or something.  The fridge doesn't seem to work.  Found a 150 watt 4 channell amp and 3-way crossover but they are from like 1997 and don't know if they work.  Most everything else is cloths.  So unless I can sell $180 in cloths this will be my first real loss.  Some of the cloths are nice, however much they are wrinkles.  Many are too far stained and such to be worth anything.  Oh well, hope to have better luck next week or month.

Re: Unit #2 & #3 down (pics)
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 02:51:17 PM »
This is one of the more interesting things we saw that day.  Everyone was going...what is it?  Found out it's a pig roaster and sales for like $150 new.


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Re: Unit #3 & #4 down (pics)
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 09:15:16 AM »
Then Mr. Five comes in and starts to bid.  We get to $220 when it dawns on me I know what Mr. Five wants.  He wants the furniture and I hate furniture for the most part.  While I have the room to store it I don't mess with it right now due to time and such.  So I turn around and ask "You wanting the furniture right?  $50 and it's yours".  Mr. Five is a regular and has seen me these last few months around.  Him and I have talked and bantered in the past in a friendly way.  So he was a little surprised but said ok.  I was a little surprised as he gave me the $50 right then and there w/o a truck and such.

I would not make a habit of this. As informal as storage auctions seem they are officially a legal proceeding. What you and the other bidder engaged in is called "collusion". By that I mean you are manipulating the fair market price determination of that particular unit, even if everyone else had stopped bidding. I have stopped auctions in their tracks when I catch other bidders doing this type of thing. Yea, everybody looks at me like I am an A$$, but the law is the law. Now if you make a deal to share a unit BEFORE the bidding starts this is acceptable.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Unit #2 & #3 down (pics)
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 11:21:37 AM »
This is one of the more interesting things we saw that day.  Everyone was going...what is it?  Found out it's a pig roaster and sales for like $150 new.


I know exactly what that is, I been wanting to buy one :)

Re: Unit #3 & #4 down (pics)
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2011, 08:27:36 PM »
Let us know when you are going to roast a pig.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Unit #3 & #4 down (pics)
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 10:49:59 PM »
I am hoping this summer. All depends if I take my family out on vacation to go do some camping.

Re: Unit #3 & #4 down (pics)
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2011, 11:32:40 PM »
"Also, various medical devices such as a nebulizer,"

I found two of these in my last unit on friday.  Any luck getting rid of them?

Here are the Pics of a good unit I bought the other day

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