Four auctions and three cancelled.
Fourth was two units. First was a closet with weights from like the 70's and garbage. Literally garbage all over. Looks like renters were able to come snag their stuff and left crap.
Second unit was really nice for scrapper. 20x20 packed full with hot water tanks and washer/dryers and like. Didn't take a genius to tell this was an appliance graveyard. Looked like they had even been plucked for parts. One guy opened at $10 and no one bid against him. Can scrap himself or take the easy way and just have scrappers come pick it up at discount. Either way he got a nice little pay day!
I was tempted but I haven't done scrapping on large scale in some time. And I'd almost have to call scrapper for pick-up and since I've never done it, don't know who pays, pays what.....
Would of taken me more than the 24hrs they give to clear out and this facility is spendy so renting unit for month would of cost me a pretty penny.
Figured this guy looked like it was his thing. In fact, I'm thinking he knew, and came, for this unit cause as I left he was pulling up a huge flatbed truck with cherry picker and loooong trailer. Not the type of vehicle (or trailer) you see at our average auction.
Why drive up price on him for something I'm not sure of.
But for me it was a waste of $10 of gas a several hours....

This makes 11 auctions since taking medical and I've won ONE. And it wasn't anything to brag about. I admit, Im pretty picky due to circumstances but this is getting old. I keep saying I'm not going untill I'm better and can have a better choice of units to bid on but I get bored and head out anyway......