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Storage Auctions

Went to my first auction today and....

Went to my first auction today and....
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:23:44 PM »
did not purchase a locker.  There were 3 units, down from 7 or 8 advertised.  The manager said one owner came in that morning and paid $1000.  Anyway, I promised myself not to bid, I was just there to watch and try to guess the prices.  There were two 5x5 lockers and 1 5x10 locker.

In my newbie opinion, the first one was the best.  I guessed $600-700, but I was way off as it went for $425.  It had a mystery briefcase, 3 or 4 totes (one labeled silverware), a tool box, some boxes, and some other stuff.

Everything went by so fast, I'm trying to remember the prices for the other two units.  I *think* one was $250 and the last one was $175.  The last one had one of those Sentry big file safes in there and a dirty basketball.

There are five more auctions scheduled tomorrow near me.  Actually, there's six, but the first auction tomorrow has one unit and the auctioneer seems to think it will be cancelled due to the owner paying.  Also, the first auction is the furthest from me, so I'll probably join up at the second one which is like 10 minutes from where I live.

All in all, it was a learning experience.  There was a 10% buyers premium also.  The auctioneer gave out a list of scheduled auctions for the rest of this month and January.  I pretty much kept to myself with my hands in my pocket.

Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 05:45:01 PM »
You can post things like this in the Looky Loo thread we have each month.  Of course it will be called something else starting in Jan.  It's a good place to post crowds, prices, etc.

Now that you attended your first auction -- what did you learn?

Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 05:55:49 PM »
You can post things like this in the Looky Loo thread we have each month.  Of course it will be called something else starting in Jan.  It's a good place to post crowds, prices, etc.

Now that you attended your first auction -- what did you learn?

Oops, sorry for posting in the wrong area.

What did I learn?  Yogi Berra said "You can observe a lot just by waching."  I learned that different people are looking for different things.  I could tell the veterans from the newcomers.  The veterans really didn't bid a lot.  In fact, I overheard one say that the unit that went for $425 would've gone for about $80 before the storage shows.  Now, I don't know if I'm overthinking things, but the fact that the vets didn't bid a lot on units said a lot to me.

Forgot to mention, there were like 30-35 people there.

Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 09:08:25 PM »
Nice Yogi Berra reference. Use his wisdom to guide you in the storage auction world.

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Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2011, 10:48:17 PM »
the fact that the vets didn't bid a lot on units said a lot to me.

"It's deja vu all over again."

And it's OK to start your own thread, but as Craig... said, in January I'm thinking of changing the long-running "LookeyLoos" thread for each month to....."Auction Scene...January, 2012" etc, etc.

Watching and listening is a good thing...if only more would do it before buying foolishly.

Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2011, 11:32:49 PM »
Sometimes its fun to watch.Can be cheaper that way.Good luck on the next one

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Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2011, 05:03:14 AM »

Everything went by so fast, I'm trying to remember the prices for the other two units.  I *think* one was $250 and the last one was $175.  The last one had one of those Sentry big file safes in there and a dirty basketball.

All in all, it was a learning experience.  There was a 10% buyers premium also.  The auctioneer gave out a list of scheduled auctions for the rest of this month and January.  I pretty much kept to myself with my hands in my pocket. 
I tried to keep up with the prices and what was inside to post here and for our own records. I take a pen and little note pad now. LOL I am not alone an older gentlemen that is always around writes everything down (he has never bought think it gives him something to do). Guess I am the nerd at the Auctions  ;D

  Now, I don't know if I'm overthinking things, but the fact that the vets didn't bid a lot on units said a lot to me.

Every time we find I new place to go I look for our regulars I get uneasy if I don't see them. Could be a bad place to buy.
"It's deja vu all over again."

Watching and listening is a good thing...if only more would do it before buying foolishly.

Best advice and we are with Movieman, wished more did

Re: Went to my first auction today and....
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2011, 07:36:54 AM »
I try and keep a record of what unit numbers go up for sale, where, how much, and who buys them (regular or noob).  Don't always do it but I do try and my major venues.

As for the regulars - they may not be bidding for several reasons, depending on what they are doing auctions for.  In my area 1 regular mostly bids on furniture as he has a store.  If he's not bidding it's either due to no interest as there isn't any furniture, he already has bought a number of units, or the furniture in the locker sucks.  Now - most of the other regulars are hobbiest, and much older then I am.  So they don't bid on stuff with "heavy looking" items in it most of the time.  This could be furniture, boxes of books, etc.  They sometimes will surprise you.  Most of the time they are out doing this for the excercise, friendship, etc.

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