Storage Auctions

What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??

What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« on: August 24, 2011, 11:11:48 PM »
 Size:5"by 5"
Cleaning  and sorting time:10 min
The locker belonged to starting Hollywood actor,hardly anything inside.
Small African drum-$15(sold at flea market)
Sony recording device-$10(flea market)
10 pairs of jeans-$50 (flea market)
Misc clothes-$20( garage sale)

Size 10" by10"
Spent: $1
It took us 1/2 hour to get all boxes out of 4 floor unit and another 2 hours to go through all boxes-NOTHING!!! but old newspapers ,the guy was journalist for small LA newspaper. 1 hour spent taking all this junk to dumpster,while driving there I started to read his article about local news ,when suddenly spotted something metal inside the box-pulled it out and diddn't believe -sterling  925  signed Tiffany &Co business card holder-65 gr,sold it for $120 at flea market.

LKocker #3:
5" by 5"

Checked all books on Amazon,  only 7 decent ones,once sold will bring $60.
The rest of books -low price,sold to second-hand bookstore-120 books for $50.Closed lid container had 55 DVDs inside,only few had value ,will bring $50 on Amazon ,the rest 40 DVDs sold on flea for $80.


Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 12:05:13 AM »
    5" by 5"
    It took us 3 hours to get all stuff out incl multiple trips to dumster.
    Mainly 99  cent stuff,few misc garage sale items, few cheap jewelry items,,fashion rings,vintage Italian scarfs,sunglasses,once sold will bring around $100.
    Locker # 5:
    10" by15"
    Spent: $750
    Spent 4 hours taking the stuff out and sorting things,spent 2 days at a flea market selling all this stuff,from 6am till 4pm.
    Cost of  renting the trailer: $35,flea market fees:$60 for 2 days.
    Gas money:$80 for everything.
    French marble top antique nightstand -sold for $120.
    Civil war book with nice illustrations-checked it on Amazon-$220,sold it for $100.
    2 mirrors: $35,Metallica game trivia-$20,knife-$10,guitar pedal-$20,Leatherman knife tool-$30,scientific calculator-$30,small jewelry box-$10,Chinese reproduction sword-$40.

2 mirr

Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 12:49:03 AM »
$80-Boise Speakers
$10-TV stand
$15 –Ikea desk
$35-bicycle parts
$100-20 porn DVD
$60-women’s shoes + clothing
$25- leather jacket
$50 -Digitech Rp7 Valve
$15-broken bicycle
$65-race bicycle
$10-Ikea lamp
$5-kid’s toys
$5-guitar case
 $60- Peavey XR 500
Persian antique carpet-$360 -sold to carpet dealer
$20-old  RadioShack synthesizer
$50-Podium G210 guitar amp
And another misc for $40.
It came out altogether  from that locker$1490.
at auction we spent $796 and our total expenses were:$175+$60 -food and drinks=$235.
All content of 5 lockers sold for:
$1934-$796-$235=$903,we spent about 20 hours each doing all this dirty work ,so we made each-$450 divided by 20 h=$22.5 an hour.What do you think guys?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 01:21:15 AM »

All content of 5 lockers sold for:
$1934-$796-$235=$903,we spent about 20 hours each doing all this dirty work ,so we made each-$450 divided by 20 h=$22.5 an hour.What do you think guys?

A lot of people right now would like to be making $22.50 an hour, so I'll let you answer your own question.

Also, since you have to eat and drink whether you are working on lkrs, fleas or not, why would you count this in expenses?

Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 01:43:34 AM »
Since we were away from the home we had to eat out,where usully we eat at home saving $$ on restaurants.That's the reason I counted it as an related expense.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 07:37:33 AM »
I also count my meal expenses, part of that is tax deductible, so might as well throw it into the expenses. And see what the true profit was.

Good job on your finds. You did extremely well.

Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 12:26:33 PM »
very nice haul you had there.  Did you include your 2 days at the flea market in your hourly total?  As for the hour rate - 90% of my company would love to make that much per hour.  Even the temps who don't get paid benefits so they make more per hour then others.

Thanks for the details.  The gamble on those trash lockers was worth it.  I've been kicking myself for not picking up a few lockers on Monday since had till Sunday to clean them out.  One of the trash lockers went for $5 but I saw at least $50 in stuff up front.  Just wasn't sure of dump fees.  Still getting a feeling for those.

Thanks again parnisha - good luck in further auctions.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2011, 01:54:10 PM »
very nice haul you had there.  Did you include your 2 days at the flea market in your hourly total?  As for the hour rate - 90% of my company would love to make that much per hour.  Even the temps who don't get paid benefits so they make more per hour then others.

Thanks for the details.  The gamble on those trash lockers was worth it.  I've been kicking myself for not picking up a few lockers on Monday since had till Sunday to clean them out.  One of the trash lockers went for $5 but I saw at least $50 in stuff up front.  Just wasn't sure of dump fees.  Still getting a feeling for those.

Thanks again parnisha - good luck in further auctions.

Dump fees in my area for a pick up truck full of stuff is $35, plus the $5 in gas to go dump it. However I did find a person who will take all my junk for $60. So if I have more than two truck loads to dump I just call him.

A little tip for everyone. Find a small business that has a large dumptser, ask them what they would charge you to dump your stuff there. Most will say no to it all. However there are a few that may take you up on that offer.

Re: What did we find in 5 lockers:$796 spent,profit-??
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2011, 12:57:13 AM »
A little tip for everyone. Find a small business that has a large dumptser, ask them what they would charge you to dump your stuff there. Most will say no to it all. However there are a few that may take you up on that offer.

Smart tip....I have a friend with a business that barely uses any space in his dumpster normally, so if I'm around he'll let me dump garbage in it for free just before it get's picked up.  One of the storage facilities also lets me dump garbage in their dumpster on Monday nights because it gets picked up on Tuesday mornings.  As long as I don't make a mess and make it overflow,they are happy to let me do it.  It saves me a lot of money!

What do you do with “b*ngs” and other dr*g gear you find in lockers?

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