Several months ago a locker came up that all of us here on the forum dream about…The Super Deluxe.
As 3 of us walked away from it we met down the hall and exchanged knowing glances.
Then looking back at the crowd we heard some NEWBIE saying…”look there’s a motorcycle in there !”
The auctioneer went in and when he came out he said “We didn’t see that when we cut the lock.” The door was immediately closed. Thanks newbie….one of us could have had that at hopefully a decent price.
Flash forward….this week the locker comes up again, but it’s at facility #3 of the day and the auctioneer plays up the “scooter locker” to the crowd throughout the first two facilities; fortunately, mostly newbies who won’t be able to afford it, but 5 of us who can.
We finally get there…door goes up; they’ve moved the motorcycle to full visibility to check the numbers for dmv. I figured two months ago I would go to $1k on this 10 x 10 as it had GOOD quality stuff showing and boxes probably the same.
First bidder (regular) goes $500. It quickly goes up over $1k and while someone offers $1,400 I’m in at $1,500 just because I know the others will keep going and I’m always happy to help an idiot spend his money. I’m out at $1,650….it sells to the first bidder…wait for it
…..$2,150.Looked up the scooter later. New sells for $650. Maybe $400 or so used…Chinese variety. Buddy propane heater…new $84…used

(I have one and they are great in winter). Half a dozen fishing poles…maybe $120 to $150 total. A barbecue with grey cover…probably stainless underneath, but still…..takes a lot to get back $2,150 (plus) and then make some profit; am anxious to talk to this guy in weeks to come. If the four foot high stack of stuff comes in over what he paid he’s OK, but otherwise it will either be for the fun of it (break even) or a semi-expensive lesson in over-buying (losing money).