Storage Auctions

Won my first unit of the year...

Won my first unit of the year...
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:47:56 PM »
went to one of my regular auctions spots and was surprised the turnout wasn't horrendous.  3 Units up for auction all 10X10s:

1st unit: was obviously a local pool hall (one of the 30 that have shut down in the past few years no doubt) Had 2 pool tables showing, a couple of beer signs, Beer sign lights, and some bar stools. Boxes in the back couldn't make out what was in them. People went friggin nuts over this thing went for $7200!?!  i was like this is gonna be a looong day.

2nd unit: Floor to ceiling boxes, garbage bags filled with clothes and a couple of lamps (the kind you get at walmart for $15. I set a cap of $200 on it. Bidding started much more reasonably, ended up going for $325 a bit high by some standards but thats pretty much the norm.

3rd unit: again a ton of boxes, some duffel bags. a beautiful tool box in the back, a dining room set with 6 chairs stacked so you only saw their backs and legs, china cabinet, and 2 sets of luggage. nice Samsonite sets a black set and a red set. Set my cap at $450 Reached $400 in seconds then the bidding slowed down and I won it for $430.

I was pretty happy with this buy... till i got a closer look at that dining room set, beat to hell. The chairs either have ripped seat cushions or NO cushions. the china cabinet has a huge hole in the back. Duffel bags were filled with clothes, and the boxes mostly personal items.  the tool box might be my saving grace. Looks like i'm going to be lucky to break even with this damn thing.

Not the way to start the year... Still waiting for my "Dave Hester hitting a 1000% gainer moment" ::)...

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Re: Won my first unit of the year...
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 10:03:12 PM »
went to one of my regular auctions spots and was surprised the turnout wasn't horrendous.  3 Units up for auction all 10X10s:

 Looks like i'm going to be lucky to break even with this damn thing.

They can throw you for a loop no matter how closely you think you have looked...that's just part of the biz.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Won my first unit of the year...
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 05:18:21 AM »
Always have that yes we are going to do good on this and then after you get closer looks start questioning Oh I hope we break even.

Part of the biz.

 We have done ok so far. One that was really bad is over the cost of the unit. So glad of that.
With a few things left to sell.

good luck with it hope you break even.

Re: Won my first unit of the year...
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 06:44:53 AM »
Always have that yes we are going to do good on this and then after you get closer looks start questioning Oh I hope we break even.

Part of the biz.

Whew~glad to hear that as we do that on EVERY unit we buy.  I was starting to question if we were cut out for this.

B-L-S-H~best of luck to you!  Keep digging and figuring.  Nickle and dimes do add up.  Just kinda stinks when you feel you're working for peanuts.

We bought a stinker on Tues, but Don got a pretty decent one yesterday.  It will help offset the cost/return column for the year, but dang that Tues unit is gonna be one of those "what were we seeing" lockers...... ???

Re: Won my first unit of the year...
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 07:52:51 PM »
Dont' feel bad man, it happens.  I'm still kicking myself for pissing away $875 on a unit.  Looked oh so good from the door but once got inside I knew I was screwed.  Just learn from the mistakes.

I always take a couple of pictures or more of a unit from the door before I go in.  One to cover myself on various things, but also to re-evaluate what I thought I saw, etc. if get a crap unit.

Heck - like today - was looking at a packed 10x20 unit.  One of my auction buddies and myself both saw the riding lawnmower and push mower through the glass of a cabinet.  Not many people saw it.  However, we both totally missed the trash bag right above our heads with boxes and boxes of porn (think empty VHS boxes).  When only have a min or two to look you really got to train your eyes.  I'm still learning and why I prefer a 2nd pair of eyes to look when can get someone to go with me.

Waiting to hear how that unit went as my buddies father is the one that won the unit.  May even end up helping them clean it out if get a call.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Won my first unit of the year...
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 07:58:43 PM »
Whew~glad to hear that as we do that on EVERY unit we buy.  I was starting to question if we were cut out for this.

LOL ;) You are not alone, like buyers remorse. LOL Our bad $105 locker is about to hit $175 total sales with a table for $50 bucks left to sell  ;D

BuyLow  keep digging even when they look really bad.

Like Rockin said take every Nickle and Dime out of it hope you break even, you might be surprised .

Like our bad one I am getting the I told you so from my husband.

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