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Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !

Offline MovieMan

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Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:27:24 AM »
We all know you can't go in a locker when the door goes up, but one auctioneer practically goes ballistic when your toes lap over the doorway opening !  Have you seen this and if so has there been any crowd reaction to the auctioneer's over-reaction?

I have also seen auctioneers (or the property manager) get bent out of shape when you lean over (at the waist) and the top part of your body bends into the locker. Is it just me, or does this kind of reaction seem out of line? Personally, I think these types are reaching out with their "power" to show how much control they have!

Re: Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 01:13:39 PM »
I'd imagine that from a legal standpoint the renter of the unit is owner of all space from the threshold backward into the unit and as such you are entering without permission until the unit is sold. That said, if I were the auctioneer, I'd excersize that kind of control myself because if you don't things get out of hand and the next thing is someone stepping inside just a foot to get a better view. Rules are rules. On the other hand, I went to a weekend auction here in North Georgia and the auctioneer and owner opened up all the units to be sold an hour before the auction and let EVERYONE go into the units and rummage around. Didn't say a thing to anyone. My thought is he did that because he wanted people to know what was really in there so he'd get higher bids and in fact he did. The units he sold went for double (easily) what they should have.

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Re: Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 02:11:08 PM »
Rules are rules, but then again there's "common sense" and leaning into a locker can hardly be seen as going into it...IMHO.  Next there will be "rules" against bringing a small step stool to get a little altitude to look in the back. Wait a minute there Mr. Auction Buyer....who said you could shine a flashlight into that space? Turn that damn thing off !

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Re: Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 03:13:16 PM »
I agree maybe a little overboard but its a pretty simple rule to follow. I've never had anyone saying anything about leaning but when people are touching stuff and walking into the unit they should be yelled at.

Re: Auctioneer goes "postal" when toes enter locker edge !
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 03:32:32 PM »
Agreed, the general rule is ok to look but never touch which is why I thought his last auction I went to was way overboard if not illegal to let you go into an unsold unit and rummage around.

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