The first episode just aired here last night. It was the worst auction show I've ever seen. The auctioneer was crass and annoying...If auctioneers at storage auctions around here acted like that, I don't think I'd be going to many. (excuse me, 'your balls itch'? that's how you get good feelings about a locker? I do not need to hear that from my auctioneer. The whole line of pocket pool comments, etc...I thought what's next? maybe he'll break out the old 'put your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care' routine.)
It just had a whole 'Jerry Springer' feel to staged fights, and why was there so many guys with 'staff' shirts there?? (lending to the Jerry Springer feel I guess)
Comments on the units from the show: The toy locker: ok, that is my kind of locker...I used to rent a storage unit for my own toy collection, and that's the kind of unit I wish I'd find now. However....the comic book rack with books just sitting on it like it was in a store??? no, I'm sorry, any collector worth his salt would never do that. those metal racks just destroy comics...gravity bends them over and the wire causes creases all over your book. They were standing up pretty straight to have been in storage long enough for the unit to be delinquint.
oh and the guns and roses record with the original cover art...seriously? She does not know what she's talking about. pretty common can go to Ebay at any given time and find them easily for $30-$50.
I hate to be harsh on a new show, but dang... I'll stick with storage wars, at least that's entertaining.