Storage Auctions

Great news article on msn today on how storage shows are ruining it for everyone

Offline MovieMan

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Good story....telling it like it really is instead of the way the newbies see it.

I especially liked this from Dan Dotson regarding Dave Hester buy of newspapers reporting Elvis death.

“Sometimes the guys evaluate their stuff by perceived value, or future value depending on the length of time it takes to sell it or them,” said Dan Dotson in an email.  “Dave sells those Elvis papers every day on eBay for $15 each; it may take him several lifetimes to get his 90K, but eventually the value will be recognized.”

I'll take a look on eBay for those papers and edit this later with any results.

Also, at $15 each and selling 1 per day (every day) it would take Dave about 16.45 years to sell them all for a total
of $90,000. And that's if nobody buys a copy from the many other people who are also selling them.


Here's a link for Elvis death newspapers. After you look at that one, click on completeds. I think it may take 30 lifetimes to sell all of Dave's copies !

Offline alloro

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Dave sells those Elvis papers every day on eBay for $15 each

Nothing wrong with a steady source of income.


Is there a person on this board that would not pay $800 for that unit? I happen to know a little about that sale. My facility, my auctioneer and I was there the day it sold. The unit smelled old - real old.

Who knows what the total will be? Would that make better TV if they just said "we dont know"

I have personally given Dave more than $800 out of that unit - he did just fine. And he is sitting on 1,000's of them still.


So I got approached to be in a news article on storage auctions

Started by Drew

3 Replies
Last post December 19, 2010, 01:13:02 PM
by Milton
Great article my newspaper did on the storage auction bussiness

Started by bwd111

3 Replies
Last post September 27, 2011, 01:12:47 PM
by MovieMan
This is a great article and very true

Started by bwd111

13 Replies
Last post September 22, 2011, 05:02:22 AM
by Travis
Not storage auction news but very interesting auction news

Started by Travis

0 Replies
Last post October 20, 2013, 08:58:50 PM
by Travis