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Here's one....off the internet #1

Offline MovieMan

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Here's one.....off the internet #2 Central California Auctioneer !
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 10:45:51 PM »

A generous property manager says this:

“We usually wait till a customer is three, four, five months behind before we even get to that level,” said Shale Butler, property manger of PayLess. “I’m kinda soft and reasonable. I’ll accept as little as 10 or 20 percent of what they owe to hold them out of auction.”

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Here's one.....off the internet #3 27K auction locker purchase !
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 10:48:07 PM »

This one is a blog, but has some interesting stories including the $27,000 antique lkrs mentioned briefly in another thread on these forums.

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Here's one....off the internet #5 urns in lockers !
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2011, 10:51:58 PM »

Remember that urn you found in the locker you just bought?

I've gotten 3 in seven years; all brass about 10 x 6 x 6.

Re: Here's one....off the internet #1
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2011, 11:25:43 PM »
This one was a CLUSTERFU*K!  I will never go back there.....total BS auction.  And they promote it all over craigslist and everywhere else they can. 

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Re: Here's one....off the internet #1
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2011, 11:32:18 PM »
This one was a CLUSTERFU*K!  I will never go back there.....total BS auction.  And they promote it all over craigslist and everywhere else they can. 

Good to know, especially since they seem to have one coming up in about 8 days !

Re: Here's one....off the internet #4
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2011, 11:34:19 PM »
I've found six sets of created remains so far.  Usually it's just Grandma.  I found a Grandma and Grandpa in one unit, three Grandma's by themselves, and one six month old baby boy.  I was stressing on the baby boy!  I'd already taken a load to the dump out of that particular unit, and the manager came out while I was cleaning it out and told me the ladies son was in there, but she couldn't remember where she put him.  Of course he was at the very front of the locker and he was in a small plain box with a name and some dates on it.  I was never so happy to find a set of remains in a locker ever!  I was afraid I had thrown him away, and I was stressing about that pretty hard!

Re: Here's one....off the internet #1
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2011, 11:37:00 PM »
Oh yeah, I still get the notifications, and I'll hear all about it from other buyers I know, but I won't be there!

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Re: Here's one....off the internet #1
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2011, 03:22:28 PM »
Hey, love the new category, must say it would probably be better though if the articles had actual titles and maybe some commentary instead of just blasting this section with 12 or 15 articles you found on the net in one day. How about some commentary on the article or something?

Only reason I mention it is because I really don't care to read a list of threads just blasted up as found on the internet 1, found on the internet 2, etc. I also notice nobody else h as really looked at these either.

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