Storage Auctions

Storage Hunter's couple and their 'research

Storage Hunter's couple and their 'research
« on: July 22, 2012, 07:05:53 AM »
Hi, I am new to this forum, old to watching this multiply storage auction shows, somewhat of a novice to storage auctions, but old to auctions in general.

Anyhooo... was at a Storage auction yesterday and was talking to the 2 auctioneers during the units 'viewing', asking alot of questions, the female is actually going to be Auction Hunters... okay, getting back to the topic...

I asked about Storage Hunter's Bonnie??? and her husband (wont even try to remember the skinny jerk's name) claim they 'RESEARCH info about the owner'. I asked if this was BS or if some states had different info. Jill Doherty said that at least one week before the auction the local newspaper has to run a classified ad with the owners name, storage facility, etc. etc,  Great if there is only one local paper, crappy if it is a large city like NYC where you have a # of papers. So, this is where they are getting their 'special info' and then, I guess they GOOGLE.  I heard Jared talk about RESEARCH on the new Storage wars, but said he did not have the time-please.... just didn't want to take the time.

So, a bunch of you know this, but ... for those who don' it is. have a great hunting day!

Re: Storage Hunter's couple and their 'research
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2012, 07:35:29 PM »
I research as many of the owners as I can find. I find that I end up with better units if I know a little about who owned the locker. My best locker was owned by a husband and wife that got a divorce in the middle of a major remodel on their home. Her facebook page even had before and during pictures of the remodel. When the unit was opened and i saw the furniture I had a really good idea what was in all of the boxes. I paid $1100.00 for the unit which I would have never paid if I hadn't researched. It ended up being better than I expected. I have made over $4000.00 and still have quite a few high end items that I haven't figured out how to sell in my local area to get the best profit. (two sets of silver flat wear, antique books, antique light fixtures,)

If I know that the unit belongs to a say 22 year old that lives in a more undesirable location I'm probably not gonna be as interested in it. If the unit belongs to an older person that lives in a nicer area usually the items in it are better. Also having the unit numbers give you the upper hand over other bidders, in my opinion, because there have been a couple of times that units have been auctioned in a sale that were not on the published list. A few looked really nice but I have a feeling they were staged by the manager and stayed away from them. 

Offline Leota

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Re: Storage Hunter's couple and their 'research
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 06:37:44 AM »
I have tried Googling various people listed in our local paper and not too lucky at finding info on the majority of them. The only thing I did find that helped recently was two names that popped up for this month were also on the list for last month. What that tells me partly is; they had a chance to get back into that unit and if anything was good, it most likely is now gone. I was told California now gives the unit renter 30 days grace period which means a lot will get back and clean up what's good. I don't know if that is a fact but from looking at some of these units lately, it sure looks like it might be true.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Storage Hunter's couple and their 'research
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 02:56:03 PM »
Just make it simple! Look inside and if your can make some money buy unit at a good price. Just cause you research unit doesn't mean there is anything of valve in unit. Don't over think it.

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