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Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits

Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:15:22 PM »
Anybody watch Storage Wars and think Dave Hesters estimates for profits is crap.He always estimates high high retail and sells at a second hand store.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 02:56:35 PM »
I doubt anyone will disagree with you !  ;D

Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 03:57:17 PM »
i get tired of people saying this is worth this,this is worth that.Its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 04:31:44 PM »
i get tired of people saying this is worth this,this is worth that.Its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

I get your point and I am all for "saying what I mean", but I think when people are saying that they are really saying something like:

"I think I can get (this amount) for my (item)."


"I saw one just like mine bring $xx on eBay."


"My friend sold one almost like this for $xx at the flea market."

It wouldn't be "reality tv" without the two shows inflating the prices like crazy...can only hope all the new folks
don't take it too much to heart.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 09:07:37 PM »
  Unfortunately , We are seeing this in the pricing at  yard sales , they won't budge on there overly inflated prices , " Because they saw something similar on ( Insert Show Name here ) and think it's worth a LOT more then the LOW price they have it  at .
  Either that or they searched it on Fee Bay and thats what they are selling for.
When You ask them was that the Buy it Now price that it didn't sell at ? or the actual selling price ? You just get the Deer in The Headlights Stare as You turn and walk away .

Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 10:19:08 PM »
Then they end up packing it up,putting it in the garage for the next sale.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2011, 09:52:17 AM »
Anybody watch Storage Wars and think Dave Hesters estimates for profits is crap.He always estimates high high retail and sells at a second hand store.
You do know the show is scripted?I work in radio and A&E and advertiser aren't going to throw money to the networks for a unscripted show. The odds of finding 7 people that are TV ready would be like one in billon. They are speak complete sentences that can be understood and know with the million dollar secret code they give out is a way to keep people watching its there gimmick. The show is slowing selling out. Watch the promo of them throwing money at the TV very scripted and if you look in the credits they have a writer,director and producer. But hey that's what A&E STANDS FOR ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT.
The cost for a 60 second spot on A&E for that time slot is 14,267 and its only watch by 5,000 people as per the link I posted eariler. The show started out number 2  with 18,000 viewers and has dropped to 9 place with 5,000 viewers and this is with the new season. Its the same show over and over. Watch they will throw more drama and add spice to the show to keep it as a soap opera. And that my friends is entertainment.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2011, 04:31:31 PM »
i get tired of people saying this is worth this,this is worth that.Its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Very true. You have the greatest find of all time and its only worth what someone will pay. If not it sits and no money is to be made. I found three Indiana Jones dolls in the box worth 250.00 each but they dont sell. So they sit

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2011, 08:16:51 PM »
I was thinking the same thing recently. I was watching the episode where he found the vending machines the other day. I'm no expert on vending machines but though new those looked like the older crappier type machines that you see in small offices with little traffic.

He was saying $3500 for the used ones and $5,000 for the new ones which I thought was pretty high. All these shows do that though. American Pickers the guys are calling out all these crazy prices of "what they will" sell it for, not necessarily what they will get.

One of my fav finds ever was this bamboo chair. Any origional posters out there may remember a pic of it I posted way back twisty bamboo chair with an end table attached. Whole thing was one continuous piece of bamboo. I heard from a few people it was a very nice very expensive chair. I tried flea market, resale shops, craigslist, etc. Started in the thousands and slowly got down to about $500. Had a few ebay sales fall through and finally wound up selling it for $240 or something like that to a guy from craigslist although he did buy about half my garage to furnish his lake house though.

Anyhow like others said point is its what you can sell it for, estimates aren't nothing. It's worth what it's worth and that's how it is. One exception though it's worth what it's worth to those who see it. If you don't have a way to make that item available to a lot of people your having a smaller chance of finding that buyer who will pay money for it. For some rare item maybe noone on craigslist has any idea what your item is and wont pay money for it. If you have your item available to people on some antique china forum and you have some old china your finding more people to see your item.

Ebay gets a pretty wide audience but you gotta reach out to those niches that your items appeal to because its worth waht its worth to the people who see it and are interested.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2011, 09:27:03 PM »
OMG, Dave Hester needs to STFU!

Watching the new storage wars because I am bored.  He just showed a violin and is throwing the M word out there.  Shut up, it's a broken violin that is worth junk.  No violin in the world is worth the M word.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2011, 09:38:59 PM »
OMG, Dave Hester needs to STFU!

Watching the new storage wars because I am bored.  He just showed a violin and is throwing the M word out there.  Shut up, it's a broken violin that is worth junk.  No violin in the world is worth the M word.

lol, what, guess I am going to have teh fire up the DVR and watch this episode tonight.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2011, 09:51:24 PM »
 No violin in the world is worth the M word.

Do a Google search on "Stradivarius value".

Here's just a piece of Wiki info:

The film The Red Violin was inspired by one of Stradivari's violins, the Red Mendelssohn (1721),[66] which is currently played by Elizabeth Pitcairn, heiress to the PPG Industries fortune, whose grandfather purchased it for her 16th birthday for $1.7 million at auction at Christie's London. She is one of the few soloists who performs the Red Violin Chaconne composed for the film by John Corigliano. The notion that the fictional violin is red because it is painted with the blood of the maker's wife, who died during childbirth, is a creation of the filmmaker and is yet unsubstantiated. The real violin is called "The Red Mendelssohn" because of a unique red stripe on its top right side, but how the stripe came about is unknown.

If you haven't seen the movie "The Red Violin" check it out. It's actually an "action" movie (but a high-class one).

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2011, 09:56:28 PM »
Do a Google search on "Stradivarius value".

Wow, didn't know that. Lol

Guess I should rephrase my post to read no Violin in that condition is worth the M word.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2011, 11:25:55 PM »
Do a Google search on "Stradivarius value".

Here's just a piece of Wiki info:

The film The Red Violin was inspired by one of Stradivari's violins, the Red Mendelssohn (1721),[66] which is currently played by Elizabeth Pitcairn, heiress to the PPG Industries fortune, whose grandfather purchased it for her 16th birthday for $1.7 million at auction at Christie's London. She is one of the few soloists who performs the Red Violin Chaconne composed for the film by John Corigliano. The notion that the fictional violin is red because it is painted with the blood of the maker's wife, who died during childbirth, is a creation of the filmmaker and is yet unsubstantiated. The real violin is called "The Red Mendelssohn" because of a unique red stripe on its top right side, but how the stripe came about is unknown.

If you haven't seen the movie "The Red Violin" check it out. It's actually an "action" movie (but a high-class one).

Have not had a chance to google it yet, was working on some bikes to sell for this upcoming yard sale. But what you put here from the wiki is amazing. I as well did not know this.

Also I will not be watching the show tonight, to tired, will watch tomorrow after I get my inspection stickers, and while waiting on to help some one move a washer.

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Re: Storage Wars Dave Hesters Estimated Profits
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2011, 09:59:44 AM »
Well I could not sleep last night, so I end up watching the show anyway. Good thing to or I would of only been able to watch half of it. I pushed play on the DVR, and it only recorded 30 mins of the show. And I was like WTH. but at same time it ended from being cut off 30 mins early, it had started again live, 130am my time. So I watched it from my bedroom tv. (Only my living room has DVR).

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