Storage Auctions - A new online storage auction service provider emerges

Offline Travis

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A new online storage auction service provider ( recently emerged on the scene. Like a few of the others, it uses a licensed auctioneer. According to a recent press release, they're licensed in Florida with plans to get licenses in several other states. Like most auctioneers, they collect a percentage from the storage operator. Looks like buyers don't pay a fee.

Now, using a licensed auctioneer isn't a requirement. After all, most people wouldn't use an auctioneer to sell their stuff on eBay. That would be an unnecessary expense. Although, I do see some value in the "service" that auctioneers offer. Assistance with organization, lock cutting, inventory, preparation of legal notices, advertising channels, their following, complying with state lien laws, etc. I believe that technology and auctioneers can co-exist in this market, even thrive together under the right circumstances.

My opinion: I think we'll see more auctioneers entering this market with local sites over the years to come.

Here is a little secret for auctioneers  :67:  - You don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars building and maintaining an auction website. is free to use for both buyers and sellers. We welcome auctioneers to use our platform. We realize how important you guys are to the industry and we don't try to cut you out like our competitors do. Just host your auctions with us, then collect your fee directly from the buyer or your storage client.

Offline alloro

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Here is a little secret for auctioneers  :67:  - You don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars building and maintaining an auction website. There is no need to since is free to use for both buyers and sellers. You can list your auctions on the site and collect your fee directly from your storage clients.

Offline Travis

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That's one of the perks of owning the forum.  ;D 

It could be a lot worse. You could get several emails a week from us titled "Don't Be The One To Miss These Great Auctions, Bid Now." (Like our competitor)

Offline alloro

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It could be a lot worse. You could get several emails a week from us titled "Don't Be The One To Miss These Great Auctions, Bid Now."

Hey now, there's a great idea...assuming you're looking to drive people into canceling their memberships and leaving.  :sign0135:

The following is an add from the subject service:

Palatka Daily News
April 1, 2015
Miscellaneous Notices

Notice of Public Sale

Notice is hereby given that Champion Self Storage will sell the contents of the storage units listed below at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on the contents (pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes). The sale will take place at 4001 Reid Street, Palatka, FL 32177 on April 15, 2015 at 9:00 am. The sale will be conducted on StorageStuff.Bid under the guidance of Christopher Rosa and Legacy Auction Services (AU4167 - AB2825) on behalf of the facility??s management. Contents will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder. A 10% buyer??s premium will be charged as well as a $50 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales are final. Seller reserves the right to withdraw the property at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. No one under 16 years old is permitted. The property to be sold is described as ??general household items? unless otherwise noted.

E010 Virginia Starling
G002 Monica Goff
I001 Kristina Adams
I002 Deana L Dodson-Campbell/Deana Campbell
J013 Bernard Young
P002 William Fox
Q003 Joenita Peterson

3/25/15, 4/1/15
Legal No. 00032099

Though the add appears to meet the letter of the law it is confusing since it appears the sale will take place at the facility AND online.  From other sources I have determined the actual process and decline to participate.

Offline Travis

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Just an update...I just noticed that the auctioneers behind are affiliated with Legacy Auction Services. Should be interesting to see how many of their clients will convert to online auctions.

Which online storage auction service's business model makes more sense?

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