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Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities

Offline MovieMan

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These guys are actually (in some cases) talking about lockers being used for growing pot !


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Re: Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 12:01:49 PM »
I don't know about facilities in your area but around here I don't know anyone that knows anything about MJ that would use a storage unit go grow.   Can't control climate and pests would be number one problem.  You get mites or bit of fungus and your $$2000-3000/lb crop just dropped to almost nothing.
 Then security?  Not like your hiding the smell.    And power?  Facility isn't going to like you using it for free.   Water?.....

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 03:49:46 PM »
I don't know about facilities in your area but around here I don't know anyone that knows anything about MJ that would use a storage unit go grow.   Can't control climate and pests would be number one problem.  You get mites or bit of fungus and your $$2000-3000/lb crop just dropped to almost nothing.
 Then security?  Not like your hiding the smell.    And power?  Facility isn't going to like you using it for free.   Water?.....

You sure do know a lot about hydroponics... ;)

Re: Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2014, 10:58:31 PM »
Went to a facility last year that had 3 units for sale. This place is set up so you open a door and there are 8 units inside each entry. They opened the door so we could view one of the units and the smell of skunk started gagging everyone. It was not in the unit that was for sale but was definitely in that section. The owner didn't even know what the smell was. Needless to say people didn't take a very good look at the unit and it didn't sell.
I told him to call the Sheriff and ask if their drug dog could do training at his facility. They do it all the time around here and if the dog hits it gives them probable cause to get a search warrant. I know several faculties that do this to keep the drugs out.

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Re: Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 11:55:02 AM »
interesting how the new acceptance of pot is causing all types of issues not just for pot growers but for banks can or cant they deal with the money, etc and now storage facilities as well.

i would hihgly doubt any storage facilities would allow growing of pot as its a fire hazard, would smell up other peoples belongings and the whole facility, would use a ton of their electricity and also puts them at risk of being robbed. as far as storage thats another issues, state wise they are okay but still vulnerable to federal laws

Re: Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 03:06:50 PM »
I had a lengthy discussion with a facility manager about this a while back. When he first started ten years ago at a mom and pop facility he had major problems. Very little security led to people storing all kinds of illegal stuff. His biggest issue wasn't the actual storage of this stuff but the theft.
Lets say "Joe" finds out that "Bob" has pot in a storage unit. Joe doesn't know exactly which unit it is in but he is going to find it. He breaks into "Janes" unit by mistake and sees some good stuff so he takes that instead. Manager now has a very pissed off Jane he has to deal with.
His solution was to offer up the facility to local law enforcement for training for their dogs. He gives them an empty unit to plant with whatever they like and in return they search his entire facility with the dog. If the dog hit on something other than the planted unit he evicts that tenant. He has his facility searched every three months.
He said the problems cleared up quickly when people started talking about what he was doing. He did also have the owners take some security measures but felt like the law enforcement presents was the most useful thing and it is free.

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Re: Storage Managers talk about legalized "pot" and their facilities
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2014, 02:04:13 PM »
yeah drug dealers love storing drugs in storage units as they can rent in fake names or have other people rent for them, not as much cost or documentation as getting a house or apartment.

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