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Do you offer returns?

Do you offer returns?
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:44:28 PM »
I know that as a used goods dealer, it's unusual to offer returns. Today I had a DVD player returned because it wouldn't read DVDs. I haven't bought a unit with a working TV since I opened up the shop a month ago, so I can't test the products for operability. If the light comes on, and the tray spits out, it goes on the floor. Because of this, I offer a 1 week return policy on anything that plugs in, even lamps and microwaves, etc. It seems to be a big hit with my customers who are more likely to purchase the item plus others.

Anyone else have a return policy? What are the terms?

If this was already discussed, I apologize. I did a search and got a lot of "tax return" threads.

Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2013, 05:27:54 PM »
Good topic, and refreshing to see it not started by Movieman or Travis. I have been struggling with my return policy as well. Furniture is cut and dry, sight on seen. With electronics I show it working in person before purchase. So basically no refunds of any kind. But you have to be able to back up a policy like that, and I have been in one or two dicey situations with an unsatisfied customer. Sometimes I wonder if that is the right approach. After all, having a return policy at all builds confidence in the buyer and creates good will.

Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2013, 05:33:50 PM »
After all, having a return policy at all builds confidence in the buyer and creates good will.

My sentiments exactly! From what I've seen, the customer is more likely to do business with you, and come back, if you offer some kind of return policy. Most of my items are for $10-$50 in the electronics/plug in field. So if someone wants to return, it's not a big deal to refund. Plus they're coming back into the store again, hopefully I would have restocked with new items!

But even something as nominal as 1 week cash refund or store credit is enough to keep the customer happy. One thing that I have done is gone and marked all the items with a white out squiggle line somewhere inconspicuous so that if they attempt to purchase something to replace their broken one, I have something on the product to signify that it's mine.

Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2013, 08:20:03 PM »
Electronics are the only thing I will return. I usually give a week as well. I have only ever had one return. It was a dryer and there was nothing wrong with it. It was for use with natural gas and not propane. I resold it to someone that was on natural gas. I do usually test electronics to make sure they work.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 08:57:38 PM »
Anything like CL or other face-to-face sales, No.
You saw, you's yours.

Internet sales I say no returns but if the person is cool, has a serious issue and pays shipping and if expensive Paypal/FV fees, then sure.

 Really it comes down to if he person is cool about it.

If its really not what they thought and can logically explain how they misinterpreted the listing, or how my listing was misleading, then okay.    .......tho, I do look at their history too.

Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2013, 09:34:19 PM »
I do test as much as I can with what I've got. The next locker with a tv, I'm gonna keep it just to test my electronics. But even if I get a positive test, I'm thinking of keeping the 1 week return as a good faith gesture to my customers. I never would have believed that a return policy could be a selling tool!

Offline dbr831

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Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2013, 09:12:48 AM »
On Ebay I list everything with no returns. That said, if I get any type of complaint or problem I usually let them return it anyway. Doesn't happen much. On Craigslist stuff I will always let someone return something if there is something wrong with it but not if they just changed their mind. Again doesn't happen much. I am in a pretty small town so it's worth it to keep buyers happy.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2013, 10:40:50 AM »
Good topic, and refreshing to see it not started by Movieman or Travis.

Yep, good topic and some good ideas about it. As to who DIDN'T start the thread, also good; the folks who are keeping this forum alive are the two you mentioned, you two also and folks like calcoastgal, alias300, alloro and a few others.

Imagine if even 1/10 of the over 3,000 members here posted something; not going to happen of course, just the way it is.

Re: Do you offer returns?
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2013, 03:07:58 PM »
Generally we have no returns mentioned anywhere.  Its on a case by case basis.  And in most cases...yeah we take returns.  If your polite, and it doesn't work, there is no reason not to.  I have a dryer we need to sell, its going out with a 14 day explicit return guarantee because I don't have a 220 plugin for it at the shop.  Besides which, who wants to burn someone who is willing to spend money at your shop?

Past 30 days though...probably not.

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