Storage Auctions

Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California

Offline dbr831

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Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2013, 08:56:21 AM »
To Calcoastgal, if your Grandpa came to one of my garage sales and offered cash for everything leftover I would take him up on it too! I always wait way too long to have a garage sale and have so much tonnage that there is no way to sell it all even though it's all good sellable stuff. Since I have no emotional attachment I always just post a CL add and give it all away (usually it's a couple truckloads of stuff). I've tried selling it in bulk like all for $150 or whatever with pictures but after an hour of two change it to free because I just want it gone.

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2013, 09:46:25 AM »
Giant Tapa Cloth was pulled from the house. Now it' added to the hoarders clutter in my garage. Hmmm - maybe I should just let the auction company sell it. I don't know where the Tapa is from - my husband DOES NOT want it handing on our wall. It's got holes in it. Some on eBay that size sell in the hundreds, but I wouldn't know how to ship it.

I have until tomorrow am to add more things to the auction company pick up. I'm seriously thinking about spending the day going through stuff in my own house (not the estate sale home mentioned in OP). Could be my last chance to get rid of things that are cluttering up my life and make a profit without having another lackluster garage sale...

What do you think?

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2013, 12:54:57 PM »
Yeah, if you have an auction company partner with you on selling some stuff, and you can live with the commission they charge, I'd go for it!

Offline dbr831

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Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2013, 08:31:39 AM »
I agree, go for it. Get rid of as much of your own stuff as you can. Then go watch it sell. So fun and so satisfying. I haven't done anything on a large scale like you are talking about but have taken items to the auction house and watched them sell. The commission you are talking about (50/50?) sucks but even so you will probably do better than a garage sale. As an example I had a pile of framed art, I think about 17 pieces. A couple paintings but mostly framed prints, some numbered and signed. Ended up making several hundred dollars on stuff that would have pulled in a couple bucks each at a garage sale. People get emotional at auctions and pay more than they should.

Be sure and let us know how it all shakes out after the auction. Would love to hear the results.

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