Storage Auctions

Three people that are new that go to the auctions in the last 2 months have

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opened thrift stores and my question is what is the sucees rate of these stores actually making it? With prices on the rise again and more and more people buying then ever before it seems luike opening a store would be hard with all the competion. One person opened a store across the street from a pawn shop and also across the street from a 65,000  sq foot thrift store. What are the odds of the new thrift store making it?

Offline money4nothing

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opened thrift stores and my question is what is the sucees rate of these stores actually making it? With prices on the rise again and more and more people buying then ever before it seems luike opening a store would be hard with all the competion. One person opened a store across the street from a pawn shop and also across the street from a 65,000  sq foot thrift store. What are the odds of the new thrift store making it?

Well the thrift we use for consignment has been open for three months. Small community (four way stop). There is another thrift store there also. The difference is one is basically trash. The one we use is clean she decorates with the items for sale. Nice store, moves things around for fresh look. And thanks to us a pretty good inventory turn over. Plus her personality with her customers.  Her store almost looks like an antique / boutique.
And she is open from 9:00 till dark thirty 7 days a week. Family run so no payroll or taxes. I feel if she had to pay wages to employee's she may not make it. Oldest son is there everyday.

We thought that with Christmas right around the corner our sales would drop (mainly furniture down there) well in two days we have made over $300.00 after her 20%.  One Item was 50/50 split. Sofa given to us so we split the sale with her.

I feel the economy has changed how people shop. Thrift stores are a good business now. We have a dollar general on every corner. I did notice the thrifts in town (mainly charity) there prices went way up.

Guess what I am trying to say is there are a lot of variables in the equation. Another small town with a four lane highway running through it does not have a thrift. Seems like a good place to put one but one shut down about 6 months ago. So not sure.  Just my opinion.

I think more people are shopping thrift stores.It depends on the people who open them.Many times you have 1 chance to make the right impression.If it is a bucnh of crap with poor customer service your not going back.

I know thrift stores seem to be opening in every nook and cranny in my neck of the woods.  Most are very small however, and not sure how they are making it.  We have a Goodwill and Salvation Army stores also.

I know my mother has talked about a store a few times.  No idea why as she really isn't interested.  Anyways, I've given location and such some thought.  Also, I'd do consignment so that I don't have to tie up all my money in inventory.  Furniture and appliances are the big money makers for most of these stores I'd think.

As for that guys location near a big store...not sure what they were thinking.  Bad idea IMO.

As for that guys location near a big store...not sure what they were thinking.  Bad idea IMO.

I'm not sure I agree with that. That area already draws consumers who are interested in shopping in that kind of store, so you'll have customers who go for the giant one, but will walk over to check out the new one.

Around here, we have a Salvation Army right next to a Goodwill. The Goodwill is better and probably draws more customers, but most people will browse both stores.

Offline money4nothing

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I'm not sure I agree with that. That area already draws consumers who are interested in shopping in that kind of store, so you'll have customers who go for the giant one, but will walk over to check out the new one.

Around here, we have a Salvation Army right next to a Goodwill. The Goodwill is better and probably draws more customers, but most people will browse both stores.

True we have the Salvation Army right next door to the Human society thrift. You park at one and shop both.

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People are getting way to much into the shows on tv and thinking Hey I will open a store and making millions a year. Silly folks

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across the street from a pawn shop probably isn't a bad strategy. pawn shops are pretty picky about what they buy so if they aren't interested in it at the pawn shop and someone is hard up for money they probably come over to you. same scenario with people looking to buy if they dont find it at the pawn shop maybe tehy'll stop by and visit the thrift shop.

i often think people are stupid when they are new to aucitons and lay out a lot of money on opening a store, buying a nice truck, etc. i suppose you have to keep in mind though that just because someone is new to auctions does not mean they are new to resale, antiques, retail, etc.

I have a lil corner in a nice antique store turnover is a lil slow but  I have only been there 60 days and just restocked.

Are people at auctions getting smarter?

Started by Sasqwatch01

9 Replies
Last post October 17, 2011, 09:40:55 AM
by bwd111
this about the amount of people ur up against at auctions near u?

Started by BigBizzz

7 Replies
Last post September 02, 2011, 12:22:26 PM
by BigBizzz
Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?

Started by Leota

6 Replies
Last post January 28, 2012, 10:43:10 AM
by Leota
People who lost their lockers to auctions complain? Say it ain't so !

Started by MovieMan

3 Replies
Last post July 15, 2013, 07:14:22 PM
by greywar