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Server Issues

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Server Issues
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2011, 01:44:36 PM »
This is my 1st post here since finding the site an hr or so ago and I must say it looks like alot of good reading but am discouraged from doing so cause the site itself is BEYOND slow. I feel like Im on a 56K modem in here.

I dont know what shared server company your using but in order for this forum to survive something has to be done. Most arent like me....They will just leave..


Wow, bold talk from a one poster !  (in order for this forum to survive ....).  Doing fine for me 1 hour after your post and has been reliable, 99.9% consistently good for the last year.

You certainly are welcome to pursue the two or three other sites that deal with the same subject matter, but I think any of us who have "visited" them will tell you they amount to nothing compared to this one.

Let us know how you fare.

Re: Server Issues
« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2011, 08:19:56 PM »
No problem here.

Offline alloro

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Re: Server Issues
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2011, 01:25:33 AM »
I agree with the 56K dial-up comparison. The pages on this site are best described as 'sticky'. Meaning that when you click a link the page you're on just sits there, stuck to the screen for about 30 seconds, then it switches over and starts loading the new page.

Offline Wayne

Re: Server Issues
« Reply #48 on: December 30, 2011, 01:50:22 AM »
Yes, like Alloro said, it just sits there and then will finally load.

Great Site!!!


Re: Server Issues
« Reply #49 on: December 30, 2011, 08:39:30 AM »
Wow, bold talk from a one poster !  (in order for this forum to survive ....).  Doing fine for me 1 hour after your post and has been reliable, 99.9% consistently good for the last year.

You certainly are welcome to pursue the two or three other sites that deal with the same subject matter, but I think any of us who have "visited" them will tell you they amount to nothing compared to this one.

Let us know how you fare.

Gotta love guys that think just cause he has alot of posts THEIR chest sticks out further then others and to top it off push someone to another site when all they do is chime in on the problem that is occurring....AMAZING

Let me give ya some advice there Movie.......1700 post makes you nothing but a guy on the net that has 1700 posts......You dont get 10% off for it or your own parking spot with a sign that says 1700 on so please get off the HIGH HORSE here ok ??

Now back to the issue ok ??  I have quite abit of knowledge on servers and websites as I have run my own so if the owner of the site wants to get up with me I may be able to help...Yeah even with members like Movie here.....LOL

Oh and thats post # 2 Movie so ya dont have to count I did it for ya. I can be a smartass just like you and guess what ???  I only have 2 posts.....FREAKING AMAZING HUH ???

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Server Issues
« Reply #50 on: December 30, 2011, 08:48:43 AM »

You have a lot to say, that's for sure. Now if only it was useful to the forum.  Guessing you won't be here very long but if you are that's fine too.

As to the forum being slow and a couple of the regular members chiming in that it is slow for them too, I have to say that at least at my end of the line it's still coming up at a reasonable speed. I don't have any 30 second load times. These did exist for everyone a month or more ago, but not since Drew made some changes.

Why not drop him a private message and offer your help. That would truly be a contribution to the forum.  ;)

Re: Server Issues
« Reply #51 on: December 30, 2011, 08:55:11 AM »

You have a lot to say, that's for sure. Now if only it was useful to the forum.  Guessing you won't be here very long but if you are that's fine too.

As to the forum being slow and a couple of the regular members chiming in that it is slow for them too, I have to say that at least at my end of the line it's still coming up at a reasonable speed. I don't have any 30 second load times. These did exist for everyone a month or more ago, but not since Drew made some changes.

Why not drop him a private message and offer your help. That would truly be a contribution to the forum.  ;)

Thanks it depends on where the server actually as to how bad it will affect certain members. Closer members may not see the issue as bad but those further away will. Depends on what the issue actually is though. I do know this morning its slow as all get out here still. I mean Digitalpoint is a massive forum and smokes as far as speed. This one here creeps for me and I think the concept of the forum is a good one so was just chiming in saying it was slow for me also and saying Im old enough to remember running 56K and even the old old old 24k modems on dial up thats what my comparison was about and why....LOL

Oh also got a unit yesterday and looks as though I will do pretty good on it.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Server Issues
« Reply #52 on: December 30, 2011, 09:03:15 AM »

My concern was with your statement that  if this forum was to SURVIVE it would need to get its act together in the speed department.

I felt this was harsh considering you hadn't been around very long (hence, the one post statement as a measure of time involved).

The fact is (imho) that this forum will last despite whatever difficulties it may have from time to time, and that it would survive without you or I regardless of how many posts either of us has.

Is the chest-puffing over ?

Re: Server Issues
« Reply #53 on: December 30, 2011, 09:27:00 AM »

My concern was with your statement that  if this forum was to SURVIVE it would need to get its act together in the speed department.

I felt this was harsh considering you hadn't been around very long (hence, the one post statement as a measure of time involved).

The fact is (imho) that this forum will last despite whatever difficulties it may have from time to time, and that it would survive without you or I regardless of how many posts either of us has.

Is the chest-puffing over ?

IMHO since I have run forums with server issues is that newbies will not stay if it takes forever to make a post or load a page Todays Generation is spoiled with speed and wont stick around if something takes forever to load or post. Been there and done that. So my opinion as a so called NEWBIE to the site is that of a NEWBIE and a Vet of forums. Read how back this actual thread goes now think of how many Newbies have been lost cause of said issue.

Hmmmmm to Survive and Grow and for the site to be what I would think the owner wants he will want this resolved.

No Chest pumping bud just a guy with an opinion just as you and many others here thats all.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Server Issues
« Reply #54 on: December 30, 2011, 09:37:52 AM »

Hmmmmm to Survive and Grow and for the site to be what I would think the owner wants he will want this resolved.

I'm sure Drew will contact you if he feels he needs help, in the meantime as I suggested, why a show of good him. He probably would be more in tune to personal messages he receives than posts which are made.

Re: Server Issues
« Reply #55 on: December 30, 2011, 09:53:23 AM »
I will do that Movie but in case he gets to this before I have a chance to msg him which will be this afternoon. I would guess the issue is without seeing anything that there are idle processes and ports staying open and running when they need not be and it needs to be set up to kill said events every so often as to not cause issues. That would be my guess unless the SQL is corrupt.

Will msg him when I get back.

Take care Movie and SORRY we started on the wrong foot. Hopefully we can now become better with a new beginning.


Just got this while trying to post this..

Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

Re: Server Issues
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2011, 10:24:21 AM »
Just a side note....over 5000 websites are hosted on this shared server thats with Go Daddy.

Thats not good at all........and for what GoDaddy charges.... shared server would be better elsewhere as GoDaddy over sells the bandwidth which each server can handle to begin with. I personally would look at moving the site to another company but just my opinion.

New Server

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