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Anti-tank rocket launcher turned in at California's Gun Buyback

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Anti-tank rocket launcher turned in at California's Gun Buyback
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:37:08 AM »
Apparently some people turned in a anti-tank rocket launcher and a grenade launcher at California's gun buyback event.

Now that's what I call "home defense!"  :D

What I really don't understand is why these people are turning in AK's and AR's for $200 in grocery money. They must not know that the prices of these rifles have doubled. Perhaps some of them were stolen or used in a crime.

Does anyone know if someone can turn in a gun and get a the grocery money without revealing their name?

Re: Anti-tank rocket launcher turned in at California's Gun Buyback
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 10:37:27 AM »
Apparently some people turned in a anti-tank rocket launcher and a grenade launcher at California's gun buyback event.

Now that's what I call "home defense!"  :D

Didn't you ever see "Death Wish 3"?  Apparently, an at home rocket launcher is a popular item!

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Re: Anti-tank rocket launcher turned in at California's Gun Buyback
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 12:26:22 PM »
Actually, owning a rocket launcher would be a "Death Wish" if the police found out you had it. But, you could probably hold them off for a while!  :D

Offline Alias300

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Re: Anti-tank rocket launcher turned in at California's Gun Buyback
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 12:38:20 PM »
 The gun buy back programs in CA, WA nd NY have always been anonymous.   (Tho I'm sure the Feds track the card numbers. As soon as you buy a traceable purchase or use with club card number, your in a data base......god I loves me a good conspiracy theory!). 

I'm sure the majority must be broken, stolen, used in homicide or worth less than $200 on legal market.

I know they put a limit on how many gift cards you can recieve because gun brokers were gathering up all thier under $200 pistols and trying to turn them in. 

Turning in a stolen AR-15 seems weird to me.    You can get more than $200 for parts.   Strip the lower receiver (or upper on SIGS) and toss that.  Sell the rest.   

I wonder if turning in just an AR15 lower receiver gets you the $200?   That the part that's considered the 'gun'.     

Re: Anti-tank rocket launcher turned in at California's Gun Buyback
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 04:18:47 AM »
The rocket launcher tube is not a restricted idem only the rockets.

And there are 37mm gas grenade launchers that look just like the 40mm grenade lanchers.

I turned in a rusted 20mm aircraft gun to a gun by back in LA Calif and got $200 one time.

I am a gun smith and the 20mm was scrap metal and never could have been made to fire. i still can not believe they gave me the $200 for it.

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