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CQ, CQ, calling all ham radio operators !

Offline MovieMan

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CQ, CQ, calling all ham radio operators !
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:35:01 PM »
OK, don't know if CQ is still the way to go about it, but I'm looking for ham radio enthusiasts.

Been many years since I had a bit of interest in being a ham, but the other day I got some OLD 2 meter equipment at an estate sale, and I've been looking at the internet and wondering if I really need to pursue yet another interest.

The gear is NOT Yaesu, not even close, but if anyone responds here, I'll provide details.

I did a search for ham radio and only 1 of 2 threads that popped up had responses. Craigs.... and Vince were the two people who had some ham connection and I would guess that of the roughly 2000 members here there are more than that.

Any one want to talk in a way I can understand ?  73 !

Re: CQ, CQ, calling all ham radio operators !
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 10:41:10 AM »
Lol Movieman - I was like "I didn't know Movieman was a ham".  I just got my license in July and working to study for my general.

I'm always looking for HAM equipment in a locker and such.  No such luck for me so far.  Mostly need a good antenna and such.  However, if you have the specs, picture, and such feel free to send me a message or I can message you my email.  My father may be interested in the radio.  Him and my uncle use a ton of different equipment.

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