Storage Auctions

Good find day....

Offline Alias

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Good find day....
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:26:16 PM »
Bored. Nothing to do so went driving.

Found 3 car batteries which puts me over the 20 mark so get $9/ea.
Some nice scrap that is an easy $100, perhaps more.
Goodwill had a sale and got a nice end table for $3 and sold s like one for $20. Also a Sentry safe for $6. It's 1.5cu size. Nothing special. Only fire rated at 350 for an hour. Was going to CL it but think I'll keep it until I get a good one.

Then I happened across the local market dumping produce!
Literally saw them pull it from shelf and wheel it out back. Was on cart next to dumpster so got 30ish pounds of various patatoes and yams. 100ish pounds of fruits/veggies.
Spent all eve slicing fruit and freezing. Made 2gallons of juice. Froze a gallon in qaurts.
Big ass pot of soup cooking.....
Normally wouldn't have grab'd it but since 10min earlier it was for sale on shelf....

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 09:42:40 PM »

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 06:37:04 AM »
Sounds like a good day.

Find it funny when we get bored end up getting into stuff that keeps us busy for days.  ;D
Making money is saving money.

The food find was good with you on it just came off the shelf. We have a garden (struggling with this crazy weather) to hot for winter crops and two cold for spring crops. In Florida have to grow fall and spring gardens in the winter, and summer crops in the spring.  ::)

Also raising rabbits, we are not going to starve.  ;)

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2012, 07:48:51 AM »
Those are some nice finds.  I keep finding myself eyeballing every dumbster that I drive-by now-a-days.  We built all of our props for local ice skate show out of scrap lumber from construction sites.  A few times while waiting on auctions I've looked in the dumbster and pulled out various metal items (ferrous and non-ferrous).  It's always great to make money on "free" items.

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2012, 01:06:56 PM »
What a great day Alias!  I am still trying to find a place to unload used batteries.  Everyone around here either doesn't want them, or pays next to nothing.   They are starting to pile up!

My wife and I have been scouring the landscape for years.  She has a "sixth sense" - we'll be driving along and she'll say "PULL OVER!!"  Have found bikes, tables, chairs, three old one-room school desks, many smaller items, and our best find - an antique Mexican-made mirror appraised at $350!  It's hanging in our foyer and came right out of someone's junk pile along the road.   :o

@Money - When is the Hasenpfeffer dinner!!?? :D

@Craig - agreed, free is good! :D

Offline Alias

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2012, 01:49:53 PM »
What a great day Alias!  I am still trying to find a place to unload used batteries.  Everyone around here either doesn't want them, or pays next to nothing.   They are starting to pile up!

I found a guy on CL that pays $9/ea if you have more than 20. $5/ea otherwise. Don't know where he sells. The recycle center only pays $5/ea.

A lot of shops will give you $4. Assume they stockpile and sell for $5.

Just ask around your small auto shops. Or if you see a battery guy ask him. Most of those battery delivery trucks are private owners. Like a vending machine guy. They own a route. He'll buy them for $2-$5.

I wait till I have a minimum of 10. Otherwise it just seems like a waste of time.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2012, 07:36:24 PM »

@Money - When is the Hasenpfeffer dinner!!?? :D


Have another month or two for them to grow they are only 3 weeks old.  ;D

@ Craig in the good old days of the country dump, could get all kinds of stuff, people would set it out, all good stuff. Now we have the garbage police at the dumps. Everything has to be in a bag.

The college town I need to hit when graduation is over. They set all their stuff by the dumpster.

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2012, 08:38:39 PM »
@Alias - thanks a ton for the info.  The going rate around here is $1-$2 :P  I've made contact with a few new people, so we'll see if anything comes out of it.

Here's a photo of the mirror we found in someone's dump pile.  Not a scratch on it and the glass is clean.  Guess we picked the right day to be driving by.....

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2012, 08:41:56 PM »
@Alias - thanks a ton for the info.  The going rate around here is $1-$2 :P  I've made contact with a few new people, so we'll see if anything comes out of it.

Here's a photo of the mirror we found in someone's dump pile.  Not a scratch on it and the glass is clean.  Guess we picked the right day to be driving by.....

Those INVISIBLE mirrors are my favorite; if you have a few extra pounds on you they don't show up at all !

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2012, 08:54:01 PM »
So I looked into the mirror and didn't see anything......what does that mean??

Vampire?  No, my image was too large to post!  grrrr

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2012, 08:41:41 AM »
Money - the college thing is a great idea.  Just wished I live in or near a college town.  The few dorms we have for the local school are pretty much lived in year round.  So they don't do the dumping thing unless they are finished with school and moving out.

As for the garbage police - we have that here.  In fact our local dump closed and we have to use a transfer station now which is even higher price for trash.  Now, when I drive into rural Georgia I keep an eye out as I pass the county dumpsters by the side of the road.  Snatched a rusty metal shelf one day while driving back from Statesboro.  Added a few bucks to my scrap pile for free.

Offline Alias

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2012, 08:00:25 PM »
Today's picks were slim.
Goodwill had an Ethan Allan chair for $10. Put on hold and going up later with friend to see if he can repair the leather. Other than the "cat damage" on front corners it brand new looking. Sells for $700. Thinking if he can match leather and sew patch on all four courners so it looks like it'd suppose to be ghat way...

Also got a really nice foot stool for $3. No top so gotta make that.

Went on my battery drive and came up with nada. But found 3, maybe gallon size?, wood barrels with copper bands. Still researching what they are. Burned into bottom like a branding is "Chicago" and below "1938".  Will try to get some pics up and see if any of you know.

That was it. Tho I did coupon today and got $120 of groceries for $27.82.

Guess if Im not making money at least I can do is not spend it....   :-\

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2012, 09:55:15 AM »
I can understand dumpster diving for a piece of furniture or scrap...but I draw the line at things I plan to ingest. Perhaps there was a reason they were throwing the fruit a contamination recall because the migrant workers got caught taking a dump on the crops. 

How did you get all of those coupons? Let me guess, the newspapers were in a cart sitting next to a dumpster.

Just giving you a hard time. ;)

Offline Alias

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Re: Good find day....
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2012, 12:46:17 PM »
Found out what the barrels are.
Advertising props from the liqour store.
Damn things dont even hold water! lol

Sure someone will buy them but not for what they would if they were real....or old,  :'(

I normally don't grab food. But since I actually saw it on the shelf just prior....

And no. I got the coupons by going to the coffee shop and grabbing the insert everyone tossed to the side.
And online.
I am stocked up on canned tomato products and cambells soup.....I may have gone a little overboard in those departments.  ::)

Re: Good find day....
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2012, 01:37:19 PM »
Found out what the barrels are. Advertising props from the liqour store. Damn things dont even hold water! lol

And no. I got the coupons by going to the coffee shop and grabbing the insert everyone tossed to the side. And online. I am stocked up on canned tomato products and cambells soup.....I may have gone a little overboard in those departments.  ::)

Good score on the barrels and the groceries.  Next let's see your $30,000 "stash" in your pantry!!   :D :D

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