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Hoping everyone out West is Safe

Offline money4nothing

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Hoping everyone out West is Safe
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:03:41 PM »
Sending our thoughts and prayers out to those effected by the Hurricane force winds.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Hoping everyone out West is Safe
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 07:26:31 PM »
Sending our thoughts and prayers out to those effected by the Hurricane force winds.

Maybe there some bad winds I haven't heard about, or the networks picked the most extreme examples to show on TV, but in the central valley they weren't that bad. A week or so ago they were worse especially in southern CA.

In my area at the Saturday flea, I saw one pop up canopy go flying (I don't think the new vendor had it weighted at all).

It was blowing pretty consistently, but every once in a while a gust game through that blew stuff off the table.

I had not set up my Caravan (10' square) because of the winds. It was standing behind my van and I had spread the legs a bit so it presented a balaned 2' footprint. Heard a big crash...wind had blown it over.

Wind DID affect sales I think. Crowd was pretty good, but a lot of people were griping about the weather so some probably just stayed at home.

By the way if you buy a Caravan (especially used) check the legs to see if they are steel or aluminum. The one Costco used to sell was steel. I got one with aluminum legs in a $25 locker.  It's a LOT lighter. Also their website is great. I had to replace a couple of was about $20 shipped. They are the Cadillac of canopies. (I also have the typical WalMart .... easy-up or quick-shade I forget which but hardly use it unless I need two on a hot summer day. )

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Hoping everyone out West is Safe
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 07:57:41 PM »
Glad to here you were not effected. Except for Sales. The news can make it sensational.

Down here in Fl. Those kind of storms are common. 2004 was the worse year for us. 4 Hurricanes one right after the other. We were very fortunate, no losses except our mental stability.  ;)

Being in the middle of the State usually the only impact we see is Tornadoes caused by the Hurricanes. I hate tornadoes.

We may put our canopy up next yard sale. For the sun. We have the walmart verity easy up in the back of the van with our camping gear.  ;D

Hope everyone out West is safe.

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