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Missing in action...

Offline money4nothing

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Missing in action...
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:17:30 PM »
Hey guys and gals.... Sorry been out of the forum.... Not like you guys missed me are anything.... :P

Have had some family medical issues. My Aunt has been in the hospital for almost two weeks. Her husband fell and broke his arm and injured his leg... (they live across the street so I have been playing nurse maid and farm helper).  Aunt went home to son's house (he lives close to the hospital just in case) the injured husband is as stubborn as a mule so he is doing better.  They are both in their 70's.    ::)

I will be leaving next week for a wedding in Main... Bought cheaper tickets so I have to be up there for a week.  Poor Me... LOL

Sounds like things are looking better on the auction scene hopefully can get back in when I get back and things settle down here.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2012, 03:05:25 PM »
Hey guys and gals.... Sorry been out of the forum.... Not like you guys missed me are anything.... :P

We did miss you !  When you consider there are only 5 to 10 of us post on any regular basis, the loss of one is a lot !

Welcome back nurse ! (and now you're leaving again...they do have the internet..and Maine).

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2012, 06:59:34 PM »
Hey guys and gals.... Sorry been out of the forum.... Not like you guys missed me are anything.

You've posted here before? ;)  ;D

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 07:08:39 AM »

Thanks Guys...

@Movieman... Will be camping, hiking, and fishing... Plus rest of the family will be there... So think I will make it a pure vacation....  ;D

Sure I will hit some of the thrift stores there, and if I see an estate sale... and hope I don't find a deal I can't pass up. LOL

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 03:19:10 PM »
Got back a few days ago.. Still trying to adjust to the weather.... Main was nice and cool low humidity...

Had a nice time. My sister got married on top of a mountain.

Oh and there are no fish in Main  :(  We gave it a good try though.

Did hit three junk/antique/thrift stores....Never saw so much wicker in my life, and I live in Florida.  :D

Two of the shops were so outrageously priced was scared to touch anything. Did pick up three post cards for a dollar. The last place was pretty cool nice prices no treasures I could carry home, but fun looking.
The pricy stores were in the rich side of the island, million airs and billion airs.. Only ones that could afford their stuff. One wicker chair was $1200. Guy said he had more in storage I can see why.

My sister laughed at me as I got a kick out of seeing chipmunks. (they are not in Fl.)

Anyway trying to catch up does not look like I have missed much.  ;)

Was hoping to have a yard sale before school returned but have missed that.  Have to get the feel for things and try and make a plan.  ::)   ;D

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2012, 04:04:31 PM »

Anyway trying to catch up does not look like I have missed much.  ;)

Well, there's always those sealedbidsonline auctions in the six states that only one of us lives in !

Welcome back !

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 04:23:51 PM »
Well, there's always those sealedbidsonline auctions in the six states that only one of us lives in !

Welcome back !

LOL     just posted on that one....  ;D


Offline Alias300

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 11:23:08 AM »
I've been outa action for a bit too.....and might not be around much in the next few weeks.

So much to do trying to get back to work!   Doctor appointments everyday last week!   X-rays, MRI, blood test, cardiograms......still need some more crap done.   All that and government red tape to deal with.
I swear, they expect you to drop everything and get things done that day but then you don't hear back from them for two weeks!   

So between all this medical stuff to get write offs on and I have a wedding in NOLA, meetings in Yakima, WA and Oklahoma City, family stuff in Dallas plus two day trips to LA and SF (get off plane, meet up with people, rush back to catch plane that night).  Coming up, in a two week period I'll be home 2 non-consecutive days and neither is a full 24 hours....auctions, estates and finding time to sell has been put on back burner. 

Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 01:03:20 PM »
So between all this medical stuff to get write offs on and I have a wedding in NOLA, meetings in Yakima, WA and Oklahoma City, family stuff in Dallas plus two day trips to LA and SF (get off plane, meet up with people, rush back to catch plane that night). 

Good luck Alias and take it easy.  Also, here's a food tip.  When you're in OKC - if you have time - be sure to stop by BIG ED'S - they had the BEST burgers I've ever eaten.  It's been a few years since I've been there,and I think they only have one location left. 

Big Ed's Hamburgers
12209 N Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(P.S.  Don't know if he's still alive, but yes, Big Ed was indeed BIG!)

Offline Alias300

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 11:00:04 PM »
Good luck Alias and take it easy.  Also, here's a food tip.  When you're in OKC - if you have time - be sure to stop by BIG ED'S - they had the BEST burgers I've ever eaten. 

I'm taking train up from Dallas.  Expedition gets 11mpg, couple hundred in gas vs Rail Pass= Free.   Big Eds looks to be 10miles from my hotel so...... 

But my little brother is stationed there so if he can get out of duty long enough maybe he'll drive me around. 

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2012, 10:13:31 AM »
I've been outa action for a bit too.....and might not be around much in the next few weeks.

And I thought I had a lot to do... Glad you are on your way back to work. Until they say wait we have to do more... LOL

A lot of travel too. Have safe trips and let us know how the burgers are..  ;D

Looks like we are still on the burner... Rain everyday for past two weeks (kinda normal but @ over 5" a time)
and another Hurricane heading our way. Going to buy supplies today.. If we loss power we will be on the bottom of the list to get turned back on.  ::)

May have to move the animals to higher ground.

Offline Alias300

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2012, 10:25:05 AM »
Hey peeps!
Thought I'd pop in and say hey.

I got nothing to add though.   NOLA trip was cancelled. Damn hurricane.
There's been very few auctions in my area and none on day's I have free.  Plus the truck I had access to has been sent up to the Alaska for the winter so back to concentrating on smaller lockers....

Seems the auction scene around her took a dramatic shift.   Last ones I've been to there is way less people but way more actual bidders.  prices are about the same.   Bid on ski locker, 3x5,  lots of out door gear, 20 old ass ski's, boots.....there were 17 people there and eight bid on it.  Went for $625!

Still been (trying to) pick estate sales but nothing special to report.  Have a shelving unit full of items for sale and no takers.   Seems like every sale I hit its all the same items.  And the estate sale prices are going up and up! 

Anyway, my travel plans changed a bit so I'll have time to do some picking while down south.   That is, if I ever go outside.  The heat + humidity just sucks the life outa me! 

Offline acman

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2012, 04:22:47 PM »
I as well  have been gone for way to long. Been hitting auctions, but not getting much as pricces have been insanely high and not worth it.  I have also been selling Freeze dried food with my pops and other odds and ends at Gun and Knife shows around Michigan so I have had less time to get on the net.

Not going to spam the board but if anyone is interested in stuff like freeze dried food or selling it, PM me, I'd love to tell you more about it.

Have I missed anyones great finds?

Offline Alias300

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2012, 02:53:09 PM »
I'm back!  Miss me?   ;D

Been a long month.  Nothing much to report tho....

The auctions finally made the way back to my hunting grounds and were pretty good.   Lower attendance and lower prices.  But....I spent to much last month and most bidding was still a bit above my comfort zone.

Picking hasn't been to good. Doing okay but lot more work.   The great weather gets more people out to estate sales......
Lot of smalls with $5-$10 mark up.

Anyway....time to browse thru forum and see wht I've missed.

Offline Travis

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Re: Missing in action...
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2012, 07:56:08 PM »
I'm back too...and I don't even have to ask. ;)

I go away for seven months and come back to find out there are people here with nearly a thousand posts and I have never even met them.

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