Well the list for snakes is long... Cotton mouth, Diamond back, Pygmy rattler, Coral just to name a few.
On the nonpoisonous to many to list. Except the worst invader of the everglades the beloved (NOT) Burmese Python. Still waiting on those to be outlawed as pets. They can eat a goat, alligators, and small children.
I grew up with snakes so not a real big thing to me except on the poisonous ones. My dad would catch cotton mouth and moccasins every year when we lived in NC. Kept them in 10 gal fish tanks. He never taught me how to catch the poisonous ones. I was too young. Not that I would really want too. We lived on a camp and he would go out before the campers came and catch the ones to close to the camp, not sure what he did with them after the summer was over.
We have all kind of fuzzes, and non fuzzes, armadillos, opossums, had otters a few years back in the swamp.
I have found one scorpion in the change return on a pay phone.. That hurt. They are small down here.
The pictures of the Eagles on other thread were in the back yard too.

Can I come live with you? I don't eat much and promise not to kill you.
Sure come on down not too worried about you killing me. Husband was bitten by an alligator and we ate him for dinner.