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Scotts Toilet Paper Rolls

Offline MovieMan

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Scotts Toilet Paper Rolls
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:36:35 AM »
What an appropriate place for this "topic" !

Scotts' tv commercial for their new "paper roll free" toilet paper says that 'in the hour it takes you to get to work over 2 million toilet paper rolls will be thrown away'.

Here's a perfect example of a company appealing to our "green" aspirations while saving themselves some untold amount of money.

Still, if it helps the green movement (no pun intended) it can't be all bad.

However, if their star shaped hole in the roll of toilet paper doesn't rotate smoothly on the holder, it just won't be the same experience. I wonder how much they spent figuring out the perfect shape.

Sometimes reinventing the wheel just doesn't fly...the Mythbusters use of 4 square wheels on a car proved was a bumpy ride !    ;)

Offline Travis

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Re: Scotts Toilet Paper Rolls
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 09:00:57 AM »
The worst advertisement I have seen lately is the commercial for Brut.
This commercial makes me not want to buy the product.

Honey, we're out of paper towels. Can you go buy a locker?

Started by MovieMan

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