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Take me! works perfectly

Take me! works perfectly
« on: January 30, 2011, 08:29:39 AM »
I have had a few things that was in good working order, but it had paint stains all over them, and some was just looking bad and dirty.
What i do with these kind of things, is just putting it to the curb with a note on them saying "take me"

This works every time, last night i put an office chair out that was in good working order, but someone had spilled buggy green paint all over it. Well this morning it was gone.

That is probbobly the cheapest and least time consuming way to get things of your hand.

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Re: Take me! works perfectly
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 10:16:32 AM »
Works for me too, but since  I live on a cul-de-sac it's a bit of a problem sometimes. Could take it down to the main intersection, but that wouldn't go over with the homeowner who became my selling ground !

I have an alley behind my house as the garage is detached and it the rear. That is where garbage pickup happens too and we have scavengers who go through for cans, etc. A bigger piece with a "free" sign on it seems to work here. I think one of my poorer neighbors has a housefull of odds and end furn pieces I put out !

Offline Travis

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Re: Take me! works perfectly
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2011, 07:48:17 AM »
One mans trash is another's treasure. I try to run everything through a couple of garage sales before I give anything away. In our area, we have a lot of donation drop boxes. This is another great way to get rid of reusable items that you don't want or can't sell. Some donation dropoffs won't take certain items but the donation drop boxes can't tell you no.

What Time Of Day Works Best?

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I don't understand how this one works

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Using Facebook to sell. Works great!

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